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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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494 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

Your Committee at the Desire of the Commissioners did Count
Over and see Distroyed the following torn and Defaced Bills to the
Amount of £1827.. 13...6 Vizt.
1576 Bills of 1 shilling Each 78.. 16.. o
1715 Ditto of 1.. 6 each 128.. 12.. 6
1686 Ditto of 2...6 each 210.. 15.. 0
1621 Ditto of 5. each 405...05.. 0
911 Ditto of 10 each 455...10.. 0
373 Ditto of 15 each 279.. 15.. 0
269 Ditto of 20 each 269..00.. 0

£1827.. 13.. 6

Your Committee find that of the money mentioned to be due from
the Several Sheriffs on Account of Ordinary Licenses in the last
Report the following Sheriffs are Deficient the Sum of £723: 00: 6 1/2

Samuel Smith late Sheriff of Ann Arundel County 30.. 11.. 9
William Thornton present Sheriff of said County 99.. 15.. 0
Walter Hanson late Sheriff of Charles County 23...15.. 0
Edward Trippe former Sheriff of Dorchester County 2..00.. 0
Samuel Hanson Sheriff of Charles County 26: 02.. 6
Thomas Muir late Sheriff of Dorchester County 10..09..10
Gilbert Ireland Sheriff of Saint Marys County 16..12.. 6

p. 199

John Parran Late Sheriff of Calvert County 11..17.. 6
James Somerville present Sheriff of Calvert County 21...07.. 6
William Harris Late Sheriff of Kent County 02.. 07.. 6
James Rigby former Sheriff of Baltimore County 53..16.. 7 1/2
John Thomson Late Sheriff of Cecil County 40..09..10
John Smith present Sheriff of said County 42.. 15.. 0
John Cook Late Sheriff of Prince Georges County 67.. 10.. 0
Benjamin Bradford former Sheriff of Cecil County 71...05.. 0
Richard Porter Late Sheriff of Talbot County 07..02.. 6
Jacob Hindman present Sheriff of Talbot County 14.. 05.. 0
James Martain Late Sheriff of Worcester County 59.. 07.. 6

John Rieteau Late Sheriff of Baltimore County 121 .. 0.. 0
723..00.. 6 1/2

And that the money mentioned in the said Report on Account of
the Publick assessments there Remains Due from the following
Sheriffs the Sum of £222: 0: 8 1/2 Viz.
William Harris Late Sherif of Kent County 4.. 9.. 2
Edward Trippe former Sheriff of Dorchester County 110.. 15...10 1/2
Richard Porter Late Sheriff of Talbot County 76.. 08.. 6
Benjamin Bradford former Sheriff of Cecil County 29.. 13.. 1/2
John Thompson Late Sheriff of said County 0..04.. 0 1/4

£222..00.. 8 1/2

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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