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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 490   View pdf image (33K)
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490 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

Georges County and to Erect a New One by the Name of Frederick
County, But it is a Bill that may be of Great Advantage to that Part
of the People to be Erected in a New County and Contribute to
Encourage the Seating that Part of his Majestys Dominions, this
house agrees that the said Bill shall have a Commencement from
the Tenth day of December 1748 with which if your house agrees
we Desire the Bill may Pass accordingly
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl LoH.

A Message from the Lower house with the Assize Bill by Col
King & Mr Wilkinson

By the Lower House of Assembly 9 July 1747
May it please Your honours This house cannot agree to the first
amendment Proposed by Your honours to the Bill Entituled an Act
for the Tryal of all Matters of fact &c But are willing that some
words may be Added whereby the Governor may be impowered to
issue especial Commission for the Tryal of all Persons Criminally
Charged who shall apply for the same
To the second this house agrees, but cannot to the third, because
we are Apprehensive Jurors may Conceive themselves bound by
such Direction to find especial Verdicts, but this house is willing
there may be inserted that the Judges may Recomend but not Com-
pel them to find such

To the fourth amendment Proposed this house cannot agree be-
cause the Clause as inserted by Us entended for the Ease of the Per-
son Charged which cannot be if he be Compelled to a further
Attendence at the Provincial Court
The fifth, Sixth & Seventh this house agrees to, but to the last
they Cannot because the Time Proposed by Your honours for the

P. 195

Continuance of the Act is so Short that the People for whose Benefit
It is intended can Scarcely Receive any by it and therefore we make
no Doubt but Your honours on Matter Consideration will Concure
with Us in the Duration mentioned in the Bill as well as the other
Particulars herein Expressed
Signed p Order M. Macnemara Cl Lo H.

A Bill from the Lower house by Messrs Worthington and Barnes
Entituled an Act Reviving an Act Entituled an Act for the Speedy
and Effectual Publication of the Laws of this Province and for the
Encouragement of Jonas Green of the City of Annapolis Printer and
for other Purposes therein mentioned thus Endorsed
By the Lower house of Assembly 9 July 1747

Read the first and second Time by an Especial order and will Pass.
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.

Read the first Time in this house and Ordered to Lye on the Table
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 490   View pdf image (33K)
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