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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 489   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 489

By the Upper house of Assembly 9 July 1747
Gentlemen We are very Sensible of the Necessity of Dividing
Prince Georges County that Frederick Town is the most Conveni-
ent and agreeable Place to the Back Inhabitants to fix the Court
house in, we are also Sensible that if his Lordship should Dessent
to the Act after some Progress made towards Carring it into Exe-
cution It would be very prejudicial and should any Actions be Com-
menced; they would be Discontinued, which would be very hurtfull
to the People and Create much Confusion and if any Particular
Time was to be fixed tho a Long One, the People could not be at any
Certainty even at the Expiration of such Time, as ships are Lyable
to be taken in War Time Either coming from or going to England,
and since it may Possibly happen, that his Lordship may Signify
his Approbation of the Act soon which would put the Execution of
the Act beyond all Doubt & uncertainty therefore we hope you will
agree to the amendments Proposed
Signed p Order John Ross Cl Up H.
Two Engrossed Bills from the Lower house by Messrs Dashiel &
Bayard, One Entituled an Act for Repairing and Amending the
Publick and County Goal in the City of Annapolis, the other Enti-
tuled an Act to prevent evils arising from the Entering up Judge-
ments upon Bonds commonly called Judgement Bonds to Direct the
manner of issuing Executions on Loan Office Bonds, and Regulate
Certain fees therein mentioned, thus Subscribed 9 July 1747
Read and assented to by the Lower house of Assembly
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl. Lo. H.
Read and assented to by this house and ordered to be so Sub-
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act to prevent the Act
of Limitation taking Place or being Pleadable in the Cause of Treas-
urers Bonds and will Pass, the following Proviso being Added

Liber No. 34

Provided Nevertheless and it is the true Intent & meaning of this
Act that nothing herein contained shall Extend or be Construed to
Extend to Debarr any Person or Persons whatsoever from the Right
or Liberty from insisting on & Pleading the Act of Limitation in
any Suit or Suits which may or shall be brought on any such Bond
or Bonds which at the Time of making this Act is or are Barred by
the said Act of Limitation shall and may be pleaded in Barr in such
Suit or Suits on such Bond or Bonds in as full and Ample manner
as [if] this Act had never been made, Sent by Col Hammond
A Message from the Lower house with the Bill for Dividing
Prince Georges County by Messrs Addison and Bayard
By the Lower house of Assembly 9 July 1747
May it please Your honours This house doth not agree to the
Proposed amendments to the Bill Entituled an Act to Divide Prince

p. 194

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 489   View pdf image (33K)
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