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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 481   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 481

ments after the word, Raised; in the fourteenth Line of the first
Page, to the word, Province, in the 6th Line of the 3d Page to be
Left out & the following Clauses to be inserted. Which said duty
shall be disposed of for the Purchasing of Arms and Ammunition
for the Maintaining a Magazine for the better Defence of this Prov-
ince and for the due Preservation thereof and Paid to the Treas-
urer or Treasurers of this Province for the Time being who shall
be allowed 2 1/2 p Cent for the Receipt and Payment thereof and
to be Disposed of to the Use aforesaid as the Governor and Council
for the Time being shall Direct for the Colection whereof the Navel
Officers shall be allowed the Sallery of Eight Pounds p Centum
and no more
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afd that the Several
and Respective Treasurers shall from time to time make and Render
to both houses of Assembly of this Province Sufficient and Clear
Accounts of what money they shall Receive by Virtue of this Act
and how the same shall have been Disposed of.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 34

And be it Likewise Enacted that the Several and Respective Treas-
urers shall and they are hereby Directed to Transmite all the Bills
of Exchange or Money which they shall Receive in Virtue of this
Act to Mr Joseph Adams Merchant in London to be by him kept
and Paid Out according to the Directions and to the Uses in this Act
Leave Out the Two Provisoes Pages 3 & 4, Instead of the words
their Several and Respective Sallery's or allowance in the 10 & nth
Line of the fourth Page Put these words Eighty Pounds Yearly,
in the 12th Line of the same Page after the word otherwise; to the
End of the Bill to be left out and the following clause to be Added
This Act to Continue untill the 29th day of September which shall
be in the Year of Our Lord Seventeen hundred and fifty & no longer ;
Sent to the Lower house by Col Tasker
Read the second Time the Bill Entituled an Act to Enable Onorio
Razolini to Convey in Right of Elizabeth Calvert an Infant to
George Plater Esqr certain Lands therein mentioned, Passed and
Sent to the Lower house of Assembly by Col Hammond.
Read the second Time the Bill Entituled an Act to prevent evils
arising from the Entering up Judgements upon Bonds Comonly
called Judgement Bonds to Direct the manner of issuing Executions
upon Loan Office Bonds to regulate certain fees therein mentioned
and will pass with the following Amendment; in the 12th Line of the
first Page after the word Bond, insert these words, which shall be
taken or Executed after the End of this Session of Assembly from
the word Power in the Last Line of the same Page Leave out all
in the first Line of the fourth Page to the word, Be, in the third Line
the Remaining Part of the Clause; after the word, Supported; in
the 11 Line of the 3d Page leave out these words, and that by no

p. 185

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 481   View pdf image (33K)
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