May 19
Tuesday Morning 19 May 1747
This House met again according to adjournment
Present as yesterday
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon.
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to adjournment
Present as in the morning with the addition of Samuel Chamber-
lain and Philip Thomas Esqrs
p. 159
His Excellency is pleased to Communicate his Answer to the Ad-
dress of this House which answer follows in these words.
Gentlemen of the Upper house of Assembly
I Return you my hearty thanks for Your kind and affectionate
Address, and nothing gives me more pleasure at this time than the
Certain knowledge I have of the Sincerity of Your Professions, in
everything that Relates to the welfare of the Province and you may
Depend upon my heartily concuring with you, in every Measure that
may help to Establish Our Trade and Prosperity upon the Most Sure
& lasting foundation Sam: Ogle
Read the Petitions of several the Inhabitants of Ann Arundel,
Prince Georges, Saint Marys and Charles Counties Praying that a
Bill may be brought in to Amend the Staple of Tobacco in such
manner as the Legislature should think Proper. Referred to the
Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly, Sent by Richard
Lee Esqr
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning two of the Clock