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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 455   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 455

Monday 18 May 1747
This House met again according to Adjournment

Present as on Saturday Except Philip Thomas Esqre
Benjamin Tasker Esqr attended by the Members of this House
presents to his Excellency the Address of this House which followes
in these words.
To His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor and Commander in
Chief in and Over the Province of Maryland
The humble Address of the Upper house of Assembly
May it please Your Excellency
We Return Your Excellency Our most hearty thanks for Your
affectionate and Obliging Speech at the opening of this Session and
we embrace this Opertunity to Congratulate you on Your Return
to the Government of this Province and Your Own and Famuly
Safe Arrived in it. Your Excellency has shewn your Great Regard
for the Country, in Recommending to Our Consideration the De-

Liber No. 34
May 1 8

plorable Condition It is Reduced to by the Low Price our Staple
Tobacco now bears, and in Pointing Out to us a Method, whereby it
may be Certainly Amended
We are convinced that the most rational way of improving and
Securing any Export is by keeping up the Credit of the Commodity
at the Place it is Exported to and that if we Can Effectually prevent
our Trash Tobacco being Sent to Market, Our Rivals will cease to
have any Advantage Over Us, & therefore we will Exert our Utmost
Endeavours to Attain that end
We cannot think any of those ways which by Experience we have
already found to be ineffectual will now answer better than they
have done heretofore; and the Success which the Virginians have
had by their Inspection Law shews Us very Plainly that Tobacco
may be made a very Valuable Commodity, and Marks out to Us the
Method of doing it which Method is Plain and easy in the Execution
We are met together with a Thorough Resolution to do every-
thing in Our power to promote the General Happyness and Security
and shall most Chearfully Contribute on our parts, towards Pro-
viding Armes and Ammunition, which in this time of real and immi-
nent Danger must appear to everybody to be more than Ordinarily
Necessary for the Defence of this Province
Nothing could be more agreeable to Us, than the assurances you
have been pleased to give us of Your Readyness to do everything
in your Power, to overcome all Difficultys to anything that may be
proposed for the Happiness and Prosperity of the Province, and of
Your being sincerely inclined to Promote its Interest; and as we are
Convinced that you have Communicated to us, the real Sentiments
of Your heart; and Promised no more than what you are Deter-

p. 158

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 455   View pdf image (33K)
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