280 Assembly Proceedings, March 12-March 29, 1745/6.
Liber No. 46
That Mr William Hopper, Mr Thomas Hammond, Mr Grundy
Pemberton, and Mr Edward Tilghman Members returned for Queen
Ann's County, are duly returned.
That Col. John Henry, Capt. John Purnell, Capt. Thomas Robins,
and Col. John Scarborough, Members returned for Worcester
County, are duly returned
All which your Committee submit to the Consideration of the
House. Signed per Order, Thomas Jennings Cl. Com.
The House adjourns 'til To-morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
March 29
Saturday morning, March 29. 1746
The House met according to Adjournment, and the Proceedings
of Yesterday were read.
Mr Mackall and Mr Wilkinson absent this Day.
It being moved by a Member that a Question might be put,
Whether this House will acquaint the Governor with their Resolu-
tion to have the Letter, from Governor Clinton to his Excellency,
printed. The previous Question was put, Whether that Question
should be put? and Resolved in the negative.
For the Negative
p. 574
Mr Mills Mr Harrison Mr John Hall
Barnes Lloyd Buchanan
p. Hammond I. Goldsborough Wootton
Carroll Hooper Addison
Worthington Ennalls Stoddert
Hen. Hall Lecompte T. Hammond
Smith Pearce Tilghman
Jos. Hall Hyland Henry
Courts Bayard
Smallwood Sheredine
For the Affirmative
Mr Key Mr King Mr Dulany
Bond Dashiel Purnell
I. Gresham Dennis Robins
R. Gresham Lee Scarborough
Stoughton Gordon
Richard Lee Esq, from the Upper House, delivers Mr Speaker a
Petition of James Mills, praying that an Allowance of £70 Current
Money may be made him in the Journal of Accounts for his negro
Quod, who was tried for a Felony and condemned, but died in Goal
before Execution; Indorsed. (See page 251.)
Which Petition was here read and rejected.