276 Assembly Proceedings, March 12-March 29, 1745/6.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
On Motion of a Member, Leave is given to bring in a supplemen-
tary, or reviving Bill (as may be thought necessary) to the Act
entituled, An Act for raising and issuing money for maintaining his
Majesty's Forces, to be raised in this Province; and for transporting
them to the Place of Rendezvous in the West Indies: And ordered,
that the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in the same.
The House taking into Consideration the Petition of William
Thornton, Ordered, that Mr Walter Smith, William Stoughton Esq
and Col. John Hall, be a Committee to enquire into the State of the
publick and County Goal in the City of Annapolis; and that they
make report thereof to this House.
The House taking into Consideration the Petition of John Roberts
and Thomas Bond of Baltimore County; Ordered, that they have
an Allowance of Three pounds each entered on the lournal of
Mr John Gresham added to the Committee of Elections and
Mr Green, Printer agrees with the House to print the Votes and
Proceedings of the present Session, at the usual Allowance of twelve
Shillings per Day; and promises to compleat the Work if possible,
within six weeks from the End of the Session.
The House adjourns 'til To-morrow Morning 9 of the Clock
March 27
Thursday Morning March 27. 1746
The House met according to Adjournment, and the Proceedings
of Yesterday were read.
The House adjourns 'til 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem
p. 568
The House met according to Adjournment
Samuel Chamberlain Esq from the Upper House, delivers Mr
Speaker a Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, and Church Wardens
of St. Anne's Parish in Anne Arundel County, praying that a Bill
may be brought in to supply some Defects in an Act of Assembly
of this Province entituled, An Act to enable the Rector, Vestrymen
and Church Wardens, for the Time being, of St. Annes Parish in
Anne Arundel County, to lease certain Lots in the City of Annapolis,
in manner and to the uses therein mentioned, Indorsed. (See page
Which Petition was read, and ordered to lie for further Consid-