Acts. 223
Sale, in any Way whatsoever, to any Person or Persons whatsoever,
such Barrel or Barrels of Beef, Pork, Pitch, Tar, or Turpentine, or
any of them, all and every such Person or Persons shall be liable to,
and pay the Forfeitures and Penalties in this Act mentioned, for
every Barrel bartered away, bargained, or sold, or exposed or offered
to sale, contrary to this Act.
Session Laws
p. 17
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any
Person or Persons whatsoever within this Province, who shall, after
the said first Day of October, pack into any Barrel or Barrels Flour,
or into any Barrel or Barrels or other Cask Bread, for Sale, and
shall not put on the Bilge of such Barrel or Barrels, Cask or Casks,
the just and true Tare of such Barrel or Barrels, Cask or Casks, with
Marking Irons, in plain Figures, and shall, without such Marking
of the Tare aforesaid on the Bilge of every such Barrel or Barrels,
Cask or Casks, expose such Barrel or Barrels of Flour, or Barrel or
Barrels, Cask or Casks of Bread, to Sale, without the true Tare of
such Barrel or Barrels, Cask or Casks, being marked on the Bilge
Tare of
Bread and
Flour Casks
to be
marked on
the Bilge of
each Cask
as aforesaid, shall, for every such Barrel or Cask so exposed to Sale
contrary to this Act, forfeit and pay the Sum of five Shillings Cur-
rent Money.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all or
any Action or Actions to be brought, or Complaint made, to a Jus-
tice of the Peace, as the Case may require, for any Breach or
Breaches of this Act, shall be commenced or made within fifteen
Days next after the Offence or Offences committed, or Discovery
made of the same, and not after.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That all the Penalties and Forfeitures in this Act before
mentioned, shall and may be recovered with Costs in any County
Court of this Province, in the Name of the Lord Proprietary, and
the Informer, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in
which no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, shall be allowed; or
before a single Magistrate, as the Case shall require: One Moiety
of which Penalties and Forfeitures shall go to the County, to defray
the contingent Charges of the said County where the Action is com-
menced, or Complaint made and determined; the other Moiety to
him, her, or them, who shall inform or sue for the same.
How to be
and dis-
posed of
Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, that no Person or Persons, bartering, or selling such Barrel or
Barrels of Pork, Beef, Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Flour, or Bread, as
aforesaid, in any Manner contrary to this Act, shall be subject or
liable to any Forfeiture or Forfeitures in this Act contained, after
the same is taken and received out of his or their Possession by the
Buyer or Buyers, and unless such Information be made as aforesaid,
to some Magistrate, within ten Days next after committing such
Offence or Offences.