222 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Session Laws
this Act requires, that is to say, sufficient to make each Barrel hold
out, at Sale or Exportation, the Quantity directed by this Act to be
the net Quantity and Contents of a Barrel of Pork or Barrel of Beef,
all and every such Person or Persons shall, for every such Barrel,
forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Shillings Current Money.
And expos-
ing the same
to Sale, &c.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That what-
soever Person or Persons, from and after the first Day of October,
which shall be in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
and fortysix, shall barter away, bargain for, or sell, or expose, or
offer to Sale, in any Way within this Province, any Pork or Beef,
in any Barrel or Barrels made or set up contrary to this Act in Size,
Gauge, and Dimensions, or shall barter away, bargain, sell, or expose
or offer to Sale, in any Way whatsoever as aforesaid, any Barrel or
Barrels of Pork of less net Contents in Pork, or any Barrel or Bar-
rels of Beef of less net Contents in Beef, than this Act directs, all
and every such Person or Persons shall, for every such Barrel, for-
feit and pay the Sum of ten Shillings Current Money.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That whatever Person or Persons, from and after the said
first Day of October, shall barter away, bargain, or sell, or expose
or offer to Sale, in any Way whatsoever, within this Province, any
Tar, Turpentine, or Pitch, in any Barrel or Barrels made and set
up contrary to this Act in Size, Gauge and Dimensions, or shall
barter away, bargain, or sell, o rexpose to, or offer to Sale, in any
Way whatsoever as aforesaid, any Barrel or Barrels of Pitch filled
up with other than good true-made merchantable Pitch, or any
Barrel or Barrels of Tar or Turpentine filled up with other than good
merchantable Tar or Turpentine, shall for every such Barrel of
Pitch, not qualified according to the Direction of this Act, forfeit
and pay the Sum of five Shillings Current Money; and for every such
Barrel of Tar or Turpentine, the Sum of two Shillings and six Pence
Current Money.
Of Import-
ing any of
the above
ties in this
And whereas it often happens that Beef, Pork, Pitch, Tar, and
Turpentine, are imported into this Province in Barrels, from other
neighbouring Parts; for Prevention of Frauds and Abuses therein,
Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That whatsoever Person
or Persons, from and after the said first Day of October, shall im-
port or bring into this Province by Land or Water any Pork, Beef,
Tar, Turpentine, or Pitch, in Barrel or Barrels of less Size, Gauge,
and Dimensions, than this Act directs; or any Barrel or Barrels of
Pork of less net Contents in Pork, or any Barrel or Barrels of Beef
of less net Contents in Beef, than this Act directs, or any Barrel or
Barrels of Tar or Turpentine filled up with other than good mer-
chantable Tar or Turpentine, or any Barrel or Barrels of Pitch filled
with other than good true-made merchantable Pitch, and shall within
this Province bargain away, barter, or sell, or expose, or offer to