182 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
L. H.J.
Liber No. 46
of the Oath of Judge or Justice that is now taken by the several
Magistrates of the said Courts, is agreeable to the Act of Assembly
in that Case made and provided.
Your Committee further report to your honourable House, that
your Committee are informed, that the several Judges in the Court
of Appeals, before they sit in Judgment in that Court, do take the
Oath of Judge or Justice appointed by Law.
We find the Proceedings of the Provincial Court are recorded to
September Term 1744, and that all Deeds are entered to this Instant
September. The Acts of last Session are likewise recorded, and the
whole Office in good order
In the Commissary's Office the Wills are recorded to the ninth
of July last: We find the Commission to Daniel Dulany Esq. Com-
missary General in 1742, and that the said Commissary did take the
several Oaths to the Government, and the Oath of office, before
Levin Gale Esqr but don't know the nature of the Oath, as the same
did not appear to us. We find the Accounts entered in the said
office to the 30th of March last, and Inventories to 3d of September
1744; and the Office in good order.
Your Committee likewise inspected the Land Office, and find a
p. 52
Commission to Philip Thomas Esq to be Judge And Register of the
6 Land Office, and certified on the Back of the said Commission, that
the said Thomas was qualified, by taking the several Oaths to the
Government, and Oath of Office; but as to the Form of the Oath of
office we know not.
The Conditions of Plantations are the same as mentioned in the
former Report of a Committee of the House of Delegates; and the
whole Business of the last year entered up to the 25th of December
1744, and the Office in good Order
Your Committee have likewise inspected the Mayor's Court Office
of the City of Annapolis and find the said Office in very confused
order, Papers of different Sorts promiscuously in a Tub, and trod
under foot; and the Judgment of the Commissioners appointed by
Act of Assembly entituled, An Act for setling all Disputes concern-
ing the Boundaries of the several Lots within the City of Annapolis,
and confirming the same to the respective Takers up, Improvers, and
Purchasers thereof, and for laying out Ten Acres of Land out of
the Town Pasture into Twenty Lots more, to be added to the said
City, in loose Sheets of Paper, very liable to be lost or mislaid;
whereas the said Act directs the Recording of the same in the Rec-
ords of the Mayor's Court; And in as much as the Property of the
People residing in, or owning any Lots or Parcels of Land within
the said City, depends in great Measures on the Judgment aforesaid,
we conceive the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, should be directed
to order the said office to be kept in better Order; and that the said