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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 369   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council. 369

[John Gordon, Independence Galley to Gov. Lee]
Sir At the beginning of those troublesome times I for my own
part thought there was undoubtedly great honour to be deriv'd
from being so honourably employd. I have now been allmost three
years in the Galleys, first one, & the other, and now find I am forced
to one worse than I was, when I first entered into the honourable
Service; my waiting from one Session to the other avails nothing,
as nothing has yet turnd out to my emolument. Must beg the favour
of your Excellency to stand my friend respecting to the advancement
of a Loan from the Treasy as it has been frequently obtained by
other officers in the Land Service. I should not have pressed to
trouble your Excellency on the Subject was not my present Cir-
cumstances truely distressing, my present pay being inadequate to
Support a Wife and Family. Should I be so loucky as to be relieved
through the benevolence of your Excellency, I shall with Allacrity
return to the duty that becomes an Officer who cou'd wish to serve
his Country at any time or any place. The request I hope my not
appear to inormous when I mention the sum of £750 or £1000. I
am much involv'd & coud wish to extricate myself from so disagree-
able a Circumstance.
An Interview wl your Exy wou'd be exceeding Satisfactory.

Red Book
No. 22
No. 32

[H. Hollingsworth D Q M G Head of Elk to His Excellency
Thomas Johnson Esqr]
Dear Governor The packett which comes Express by the Barer
Mr Paris, met me yesterday near Chester (on my way to Philad")
with orders from Mr Robt Morris to me to forward them from this
place by a fast sailing Vessel and carefull Skipper to Portsmouth
Virginia, or such other place as the French Fleet may then be at, as
there is no such Vessel at this place at present and the wind such as
will not admitt of any coming shortly, the Dispaches being for the
Royal Navy of France of course of the greatest consequence, I have
thought it advisable to dispatch an Express to you by way of Balti-
more with a request to Mr Calhoon to forward them if convenient,
the Dispatches consist of a large packet seal'd To Monsieur Count de
Grasse Chief De Escadre & Cet. one Lesser Do To Monsieur Count
DeEstang Vice Admlle & Cet. one Small Letter to Robert Smith Esq'
of Baltimore now at Portsmouth Virga which packet please to give
or order a receipt to be given for. I mention this as Mr Farris is
young in his present appointment, and doubt not of a ready convey-
ance by one of your Boats to Portsmouth or as you may direct


[H. Hollingsworth, D. Q. M. F. M. G., Head of Elk, to His
Excellency Thomas Johnson, Esqr.]
Dear Sir As I have ever made it a point to acquaint you with the
dificulty's that arose to the Public, and to my self as a public officer



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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 369   View pdf image (33K)
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