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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 368   View pdf image (33K)
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368 Journal and Correspondence.


[Wm. Lyles from Potomac to Gov Lee]

[Requests approval of an appointment by Thomas Richardson of
Georgetown, empowering him to purchase provisions to the Use of
the U. S.]


[John Randall, Baltimore, to Gov Lee]

Sir Mr Jefferies broke his word with me and sold the Cloths and
Blankets before Capt Cromwell returned. A more advantageous
offer was too powerful, for narrow Soul to refuse I set of to Camp
early in the morning without purchasing any thing here perhaps
the goods we want may be had on better terms to the Northward of
which I will advise you by letter. The Plater could not carry the
whole of the Cloth & Cloathing, a part is left for the next trip I've
thought proper to detain Sergt Neary to come with it
I've Just been in company with a Capt Ragsdale of Harrisons Regt
of Artillery he left the Maryland Incampment the 8th Inst he in-
formed me our Troops was to Winter at Quebble Town about eight
mile from Middle Brook he brought letters from Genl Smallwood to
Govr Johnson which he has sent to Fredk he inform'd me likewise
of the death of Capt Gale of our Artillery
N.B. Several hundred blankets might be bought here if you could
think of giving the price you may depend our Troops Suffer very
much for them & will get but few from the Continent


Red Book

Nos. 46 &


[Jesse Bennett to Governor]

[Complains that John Selby is no freeholder and consequently is
not qualified to be sheriff of Worcester County On Dec. 2, Bennett
withdraws this complaint]


Liber C C

No. 22

p. 40

[Jacob Giles, Jun'r, Mount Pleasant Harford County to His
Excellency Thomas S. Lee, Esqr.]

Sir Inclosed is my Commission for the Purchasing department
for this County. I beg therefore your License. You will see by the
Date of my Commission I have been some time appointed and I have
been acting ever Since without Licence from Govr Johnston which
has not been my fault as I wrote to the Governor immediately &
since but have received no answer. I have understood the reason
why he did not License me was because I did not send down my
Commission. The first Letter I received from Col Blane appointing
me he omitted Inclosing the Commission but desires me to Write
to the Governour and says he would also write to him which I thought
sufficient as I knew the Governour could not have the least Objec-
tion to my Appointment. I think myself somewhat 111 used in this
Matter. Your License and a Return of My Commision by the Post
will much oblidge Your very respectfull Humble Servant

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 368   View pdf image (33K)
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