Monday 4 September 1780
Present as on Saturday.
Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Baltimore County pay
to John Cockey Contractor for Waggons & Teams Ten thousand
Pounds on Account
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Muir six thousand
Dollars to be by him Accounted for.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. William Middleton six hun-
dred and fifty six Pounds, ten shillings due him p acct passed by
the Depty Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Robert Berry five hundred &
sixty three Pounds ten Shillings due him p Acct passed by the D.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson jr four hundred
& sixteen Pounds thirteen shillings & four Pence for 1 mo Salary to
the 1st Inst
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 189
[Council to Chas. Blake Esqr.]
Sir We have just received yours of the 25th Ulto and expect to
have the Return you mention and to hear that you are forwarding
the Wheat to the Head of Elk. We have some Medicine in the
State Store which Doctr Davidson may have for the Amount of the
Wheat purchased of him, if on his Application, we can Spare all the
Articles he wants. The new Money will be out in a few Days and
it must be rated in your Purchases at 40 Continental Dollars for one
new Dollar. Under our present Difficulties and the Necessity there
is of supplying the Army immediately, we must request you to pro-
cure the Flour on the best Terms you can, but we wish you not to
exceed one and a Half new Dollars p Bushel of Wheat. The Pn>
priety of keeping this secret, will doubtless, occur to you
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 168