[Council to Henry Schenebely Esqr. Contr for Washington County]
Sir Yours of the 30th Ulto we have received and are surprised you
never received any of our Letters. The Law particularly points out
the Manner in which the Waggons, Horses &ca are to be procured,
which we enclose you. We think the Waggons, Horses &ca which
were offered by Non-jurors, since the Expiration of the Time limited,
ought not to be received. We wish you to be as expeditious as
possible in procuring the Waggons & Horses and have them sent
forward to the Head of Elk; you will also forward the Flour to
Mr Thomas Donnellan at Baltimore, as soon as possible. To expe-
dite your Purchase of Waggons and Horses, we have sent you an
Order on the Collector of your County for io,ooo£ which we hope
will be immediately paid.
[Council to Colo. Henry Shryock]
Sir We are sorry to be informed, by a Letter from Mr Schenebely
that you have not as yet entered on the Purchase of Horses; we
request you to endeavour to procure them as soon as possible and
have them sent forward to the Head of Elk. We enclose you an
Order on the Collector of your County for 6ooo£ which we hope
will assist to expedite your Purchase. We refer you to the Law for
your Government in this Business.
[Council to Mr. Thomas Donellan]
Sir We observe in yours of the 23d Ulto that you think the Flour
you have on Hand is in general very faulty. Please to make us a
Return of what you have received and forwarded, since you have had
the Business in your Hands, of whom you received it, when for-
warded and what remains. Whatever Mr Smith declines receiving we
would have sent to the Head of Elk, to be forwarded to the Army. If
there should be any Flour musty or sour, it will be proper to have it
baked into Bread, mixing it if necessary with some other Flour, so