Safety than by sending it down Wiccomico; however this Matter
must be left to your Discretion. Enclosed is an Order on the Col-
lector for £2000.
[Council to His Excy. Govr. Jefferson Virginia]
Sir The alarming State of the Trade of Virginia & Maryland in
the Chesapeake and above all, the extreme Difficulty and Hazard of
supplying the Northern Army with Provisions from Virginia and
the Southern Parts of this State, occasioned by the continued and
encreasing Depredations of the Enemy have rendered the immediate
Expulsion of them from the Bay, an Object of Magnitude to this
Board. The Merchants of Baltimore have, on this Occasion, under-
taken to second us with two armed Brigs & three large Barges,
every of which we shall furnish sufficiently with Men, Arms and
Ammunition. This Force will be accompanied by two fast sailing
State Boats, to act as Tenders. We most earnestly solicit your Excel-
lency to aid us in this Service, so beneficial to the States in General
and to Virginia & Maryland in particular. Only such Vessels of
War whch can be immediately equipped can be serviceable, as the
Success of this Attempt will depend in a great Measure upon the
Secrecy and Expedition with which it is executed. We expect our
Vessels will be ready to proceed down the Bay the 6th of next
[Council to Colo George Dashiell and Colo Henry Hooper]
Sir We intend to send down, in a few Days, our State Boats, to
Co-operate with some Vessels from Baltimore in clearing the Bay
of the Enemy and request you to hold a Party of Militia you can
depend on, in readiness to give what Assistance in your Power, in
Case there should be occasion for them. This Design should not be
made public
Liber C C
No. 22
Tuesday 29th August 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered that the W. Shore Treasr delivr to Jas Calhoun Comry for
Balto County 34 hhds Tobo 33108 is net on Acct
Ordered That the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Robertson
Stevens one thousand five hundred and fifty four Pounds ten shil-
lings p Acct passed by the Gl A.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Doct. James Murray
three thousand Pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Robt Berry Two thousand
seven hundred and seventy six Pounds sixteen shillings & three
Pence on Account.
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 186