[Council to Colo. Joseph Dashiell]
Sir We received yours of the 16th Inst The enclosed Nol. Pross, the
Governor has granted in Favor of Philip Buly on Condition that
he serve as a Soldier for the War and on your Representation of the
Circumstances of others in a like Predicament, he will grant Nol.
Pros, on the same Terms. This he is induced to do as the Commander
in Chief writes pressingly for Men, and on your Information that the
Ringleaders are in Goal and may be made Examples of. We shall
in a few Days send down our State Boats to assist some other Vessels
in clearing the Bay of the Enemy and we request you to embrace the
first Opportunity of a safe Navigation to send all the Provision col-
lected in your County to the Head of Elk. We have the most press-
ing Demands on us for the Supplies expected from this State
[Council to Colo. James Hindman]
Sir Your Letter of the 9th Inat aa well as that of the 22A we have
received from Mr Gibson, and the former would have been answered
by the Return of Mr Gibson, but for the Multiplicity of Business,
with which this Board was then overwhelmed, and his Impatience
to leave Town. The Order on Mr Chamberlain was drawn at your
Request & enclosed in the Letter which accompanies this, it has laid
on the Table since its Date, for a good Opportunity. Mr Sprigg has
been paid agreeably to your Contract. You have also a Parcel of
printed Certificates by this Opportunity.
[Council to Colo. George Dashiell]
Sir We received yours of the 15th & 17th Inst As you are of
Opinion there no longer Subsists the same Reason for having the
Arms distributed among the Militia Captains and it is of Conse-
quence to have them kept in Order, we request they may be col-
lected and retained under your immediate Care and that you employ
some trusty Person to put them in Order, and doubt not, but in
doing this you will have in Mind how much the public as well as
your own immediate Safety is concerned in having them put and
kept in a proper State. As to the Subject of the Recruit you mention,
the Law must be your Guide; we think the Money promised by the
Class, ought, in Justice & Equity to be paid