Liber C C
No. 22
p. 162
[Council to Patrick Sim Smith Esqr]
Sir The Enclosure is an Order on the Collector of the Tax in
Calvert County for 6ooo£ which, with the great Proportion, we
flatter ourselves, you have engaged to pay in Certificates, will answer
your present Purposes. We have long thought the Supplies should
be forwarded to the Army, as soon as they were procured, and have
urged the Necessity of making the greatest Exertions to that End ;
and, if possible, Letters received this Day from the Committee of
Co-operation impress the Necessity of the Measure more forcibly
on our Minds. Under the present Circumstances of Affairs, when
our Magazines are exhausted of Provisions and the Subsistence of
the Army depends upon the precarious Supplies of the Day, we can-
not avoid reiterating our Solicitation that you have your Purchases
of Wheat sent to Colo Fitzhugh's Mill where it should be manufac-
tured, from thence transported to the Head of Elk without Loss of
[Council to Ensign Middleton]
Sir. You will receive from Mr Bullen, Forty Horses. You are
likewise to call on Col. Henry Hollingsworth at the Head of Elk,
or the Person acting for him in his Absence, for all the Horses which
have been delivered to him by the Contractors for the Purchase of
Horses in this State and with which we request you will proceed with
Diligence and Care to Morris Town and deliver them to the Quarter-
master General or such Person as he shall authorise to receive them
at that Post, taking his Receipt therefor, as a Part of four Hundred
Draft Horses which were required of this State by the Commee of
Congress at Head Quarters. For the Subsistence of the Horses, you
are to draw Forage from the Quartermasters at the several Posts
between this & Morris Town
p. 163
[Council to Delegates in Congress]
Gentlemen The Embargo Law of this State was continued by an
Act of the last Session of Assembly to the tenth Day of September
next, and at the same Time this Board was authorised and fully em-
powered to continue the Law until the End of the next Session of
the General Assembly, provided the Embargo be continued in the
States of Pennsylvania and Delaware: but in Case these States, or
either of them should take off the Embargo on their Ports, then and
in such Case we are authorized and requested to take of the Restric-
tions imposed by the Act of our Legislature. The Act of the Pennsyl-
vania Assembly expires the first of September, but President Reed
is of Opinion that, that Hoiible Body, who are to meet before the
limited Time, will renew it. The Law of Delaware expires the 20th
of October, unless suspended or revoked by the Executive of that
State. In the State of uncertainty, in which we are, respecting the