Saturday 26th August 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Charles Lans-
dale Eight hundred Pounds due him p Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to John Woolf three hundred Pounds
due him p Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Key and Forrest four thousand
five hundred and ten Pounds due them p Account passed
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Jacob Gray Ser jean t
in the 2nd Regimt 1 Shirt 1 pr Overalls, 1 pr Shoes & 1 pr Stockings
to be charged to said Regimt
That Mr John Crisall purchase for the use of the Hospital 12
. Chamber Potts, 24 Porringers 1 Bag Coffee, 1 Barrel Vinegar 3 Gall8
Madeira Wine 6 Buckets 6 Kettles and two Bushels Indian Meal
and that he issue to Doctr Murray 6 Buckets, 12 Cha. Potts, 24 Por-
ringers 6 Kettles, 6 1 Coffee, 12 is Sugar, 2 Bushels Indian Meal, 3
Gall8 Vinegar 1 Gal. Wine & 4 is Candles for the use aforesaid.
That the Collector of the Tax for Calvert County pay to Pat Sim
Smith Esqr Commissary for said County six thousand Pounds to be
by him Accounted for and that the said Collector pay to Thomas
Jones Contractor for Horses &ca in same County four thousand five
hundred Pounds to be by him Accounted for.