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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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258 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C

No. 22
p. IS6

[Council to Andw. Buchanan, Josh'a Beall & Rich'd Dallam Esqrs.]

Sir John Hamilton and Edwd Joes of Baltimore County, William
Usher and Thomas Wall of Prince Georges County and Edmund
Burgess of Harford County, have been adjudged altogether unfit for
military Service and are therefore returned to you. We think the
Classes which found these Men, are improperly exempted, and that,
at any Rate, they ought not to be admitted to the Credit of the

August 21
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 184

Monday 2 1st August 1780

Present as on Saturday.
Ordered That Mr John Shaw deliver to Colo Peter Waters 100
Musket Ball and 2 1 Powder to be returned in kind.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut Saml McLane &
Ens Ignatius Boone of the Regt Extra each 1 piece of Brittanies in
part of the Articles alld by the Genl Assembly.
That Mr Crisall Issuing Commissary deliver to the Officers of the
Regimt Extra Rum and Sugar according to their Returns allowing
2 Gall8 Rum p Officer p month and 8 is Brown Sugar p Off
p Mo charging the same to said Regt
That the Collector of the Tax for Fred County pay to Colo Thos
Price Commissary for said County Two thousand Two hundred and
Fifty Pounds to be by him Accounted for.
That the said Collector pay to the said Colo Thomas Price seven
thousand Eight hundred and seventy five Pounds to be expended
in the Purchase of Hatts for the Army

Liber C C

No. 22

p. 156

[Council to the Purchasing Commissaries]

Sir So much depends on your Success in procuring an immediate
Supply of Provision for the Army that we Suffer the greatest
Anxiety in finding you are under any Difficulties in executing the
Business entrusted to you; in order to facilitate it all in our Power
we have enclosed Pounds of Tobacco, which we request you to
dispose of on the best Terms you can, not under and to apply it
towards the Purchase of Provision. We are sensible this will go
but a very little way, yet it may be of some Assistance, distributed
among those whose wants are most pressing until we can send you
a further Supply which we shall attend to when in our Power.
From the Difficulty of procuring the necessary Materials, we are
afraid it will be at least three weeks before the Treasury will be sup-

p. 157

plied with the new Money to be emitted under the Act to enable the
Treasurer of the Western shore to draw and sell Bills of Exchange
and for an Emission of Bills of Credit if necessary. When that is
done you will receive a share of it and it will be proper to make your

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 258   View pdf image (33K)
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