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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 257

Thursday 17th August 1780
Present as yesterday Danl Carroll Esqr attended.
Ordered That Mr John Shaw deliver to John Bullen Esqr as much
small rope as he may want for Halters for the State Horses &ca
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to John Bullen all the Corn
in his Possession Lodged by Colo Robosson and Mr Harwood.
That William Yielding deliver to the said John Bullen all the Bran
in his Possession belonging to this State.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Serjeant Richard Wheeler
Two hundred Pounds to defray his Expences to Frederick County
to order down Recruits for Extra Regt
Commissions of Letters of Marque & Reprizal issued to John
Hanson Commander of the Brig Viper 150 Tons burthen navigated
by 50 men, mounting 14 Carriage Guns belonging to David Stewart
& others of Baltimore, to Frederick Folger Commander of the
Schooner Felicity 106 Tons burthen, navigated by 25 men, mounting
i o Carriage Guns, to Jeremiah Yellet Commander of the Schooner
Antilope 130 Tons burthen navigated by 40 Men mounting 14 Car-
riage Guns belonging to John Sterrett, Jesse Hollingsworth and
others of Baltimore and also to Joses Hill Commander of the
Schooner Grampus 50 Tons burthen navigated by I o Men, mount-
ing 4 Carriage Guns, 4 Swivels & 4 Small Arms belonging to Henry
Brown &Co of Baltimore Town
John Wigglesworth a native of great Britain who hath lately
arrived in this State that is to say within three months last passed,
Appeared before the Governor and Council and before them did take
repeat and Subscribe the Oath of Support and Fidelity to this State
contained in the Act to punish certain Crimes and Misdemeanors and
to prevent the Growth of Torysm

Liber C B
No. 23
August 17
p. 183

Friday 18th August 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Pardon granted to Negro Bob of Montgomery County the slave
of a certain Bartholomew Booth convicted in Montgomery Court for
Horse Stealing

Liber C B
No. 23
August 1 8
p. 183

Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Jonathan Chob
a Recruit for the Regimt Extra 1 Coat 1 Jacket 1 pr Overalls 1 Shirt,
1 pr Shoes and 1 hat the Bounty allowed by the Genl Assembly.

p. 184

Saturday 19th August 1780
Present as on yesterday
Ordered That John Crisall issuing Commissary procure a suffi-
cient Quantity of Soap for the Regimt Extra allowing 8} for every
100 men p week.

August 19

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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