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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 255   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 255

belonging to William Smith & others of Baltimore and also to
Thomas Steel Commander of the Schooner Tucker navigated by
21 Men 85 Tons burthen mounting 10 Car. Guns belonging to
Richard Curson and Compy of Baltimore.

Liber C B
No. 23

[Council to John Voorhees Esqr]

Sir Your Letter of the 8th Inst we have received. If the Orders
on the Collectors are not paid and the People will not take Certifi-
cates, it will answer no good Purpose to continue your Purchases,
from an Expectation of obtaining an adequate Supply of Money,
from us; for our Treasury is empty, and we are destitute of the
Means of filling it, nor can we say when it will be in our Power to
furnish our Commissaries with Money to enable them to execute the
Law; but if you had it, we think you ought not to exceed the Limi-
tations mentioned in our former Letter, because we are certain that
a Sufficient Quantity of Wheat and Flour can be procured on the
Western Shore at these Prices

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 155

Tuesday 15th August 1780

Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to William Rasin
Contractor for Horses &ca in Kent County 20000 1 of Tobacco to be
accounted for at £47..! o p Cl and also Six Pounds in Specie
That the Collector of the Tax for Kent County pay to the said
William Raisin 18000 is of Tobacco to be by him Accd for a 47-10
p Cent
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Mary Shelmire a Soldiers
Wife in the 4th Regimt one ration p day until further orders.

Liber C B
No. 23
August 15
p. 182

[Council to Mr. Isaac Griest]

Sir If any of the Flour which you procured, in Virtue of the Act
for the immediate Supply &ca still remains in your Hands; we
request you will deliver it to Mr Donnellan of Baltimore Town, any
former Orders of this Board to the Contrary, notwithstanding.

[Council to Wm. Smith Esqr.]

Sir We have received yours of the 12th Instant and shall rely
upon your Endeavors to procure Flour for the Spanish Fleets and
Armies in the West Indies, on Terms the least prejudicial to the
public Interest. The Flour procured by Mr Griest, we had Reason
to believe, was sent forward to Camp, but should any remain in his
Hands, we expect he will deliver it over to Mr Donnellan and to that
Purpose have enclosed you a line to Mr Griest. The desired Permit
for lading the Genl. Lincoln and Kolker you will also find enclosed

Liber C C

No. 22
p. IS5

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 255   View pdf image (33K)
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