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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 254   View pdf image (33K)
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254 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C

No. 22

you are not to exceed the limited Prices. We request you to have
the Bacon Pork, and Flour which you have procured, sent to this
Place, as soon as possible. It is not in our Power to supply you with
Money to make a Purchase of Beef, nor are we requested to purchase
that Commodity. Any Beef that you may receive for Taxes, you
will have pastured and inform us of the Quantity

[Council to Andrew Buchanan Esqr.]

Sir We this Morning received your Letter of the 6th with its
Enclosure and the Letter from the Commissioners of Baltimore
County, covering the Recommendation of Inspectors for that County.
It is impossible for us to furnish you with 4o,ooo£ our Treasury is
entirely exhausted, and it would be of little Avail to give you an
Order upon the Collector of your County, as we understand he has
none in Hand. We understand several of the Lieutenants have exer-
cised the Power of granting Warrants, to distrain the Goods of the
Persons who compose the Classes that have neglected to procure
Substitutes for the 15 p Cent, though the Lieutenant could not
obtain one for that Sum, for this Reason; if the Lieutenant could
not get a Man for the 1 5 p Cent, and it should be his Opinion that
he could not issue his Warrant in that Case for the 15 p Cent, the
Law would be evaded, the Intention of which is, that each Man
should pay according to his Assessment. Besides we apprehend
it is in the Power of the Lieutenant to get the Money, as soon as
he engages the Substitute; for when the Lieutenant agrees with a
Man for a certain Sum, he can issue his Warrant against the Indi-
viduals of the Class for that Sum.

p. 155

[Council to Capts Murdock, Bailey, Gillispie & Capt. Lt. Cock]

Sir You are appointed Capt in the Regiment Extraordinary raised
by this State, If you accept thereof we request you to apply to Colo
for the Recruits raised in County and have them marched,
as soon as can be done consistant with their Health to this Place; we
also request you to notify to us by the Return of the Bearer hereof,
your Determination, respecting your Appointment

Liber C B
No. 23
August 14
p. 182

Monday 14th August 1780

Present as on Friday.
Thomas Gassaway appointed Depy Aud. in the room of Elie Val-
letta deceased produced a Certificate of his Qualification which was
ordered to be filed.
Commissions of Letters of Marque & Reprisal issued to James
Clifton Commander of the Brig Hawke 80 Tons burthen navigated
by 31 Men, mounting 10 Carriage Guns, 6 Swivels & 14 Small arms

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 254   View pdf image (33K)
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