[Council to Colo. Thomas Price]
Sir Your Letter of the 18th Inst we received. You are to purchase
Flour, Wheat and the other Articles enumerated, at the lowest
Price you possibly can; we think you ought not to exceed the Prices
for the Flour and Wheat mentioned in your Letter, nor do we think
you should buy more than five hundred Barrels at that Rate. You
may give as far as 8 Dollars a Pound for Bacon, and in the same
Proportion for other Salt Provision. You must not omit to inform
us constantly of the Quantities of Flour and Wheat procured and
sent forward in Order that we may give you such Directions for your
Conduct in future, as will most conduce to the general Advantage.
Enclosed you have an Order on the Collector of the Tax of Fred-
erick County for £6000
Liber C C
No. 22
[Council to Joshua Johnson Esqr]
Sir According to the Resolution of the General Assembly of the
State of Maryland of the 4th Inst we have transmitted to -you, attested
Copies of the Act to enable the Treasurer of the Western Shore to
draw and sell Bills of Exchange and for an Emission of Bills of
Credit if necessary and do request you to convey as many of them as
may be necessary, to the Trustees in the said Act named and the rest,
to the Trustees appointed by the Act for calling out of Circulation
certain Bills of Credit emitted by Act of Assembly
p. 132
Friday 21st July 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the eastern shore Treasurer pay to Colo James Hind-
man six thousand Pounds to enable him to carry into Execution the
Acts to procure a Supply of Salt Meat &ca and to procure an Extra
Liber C B
No. 23
July 31
p. 174
Supply &ca
That the Collector of the Tax for Talbot County pay to the said
Colo James Hindman six thousand Pounds to be expended as
[Council to The Governors of Pennsylvania and Delaware]
Sir In Pursuance of the Request of the General Assembly of
Maryland, we have transmitted to you a Copy of the Act continuing
the Act prohibiting the Exportation of Wheat, Flour, Rye, Indian
Corn &ca until the tenth Day of September next. You will perceive
on Perusal of the Act sent, that so much of the Prohibition as relates
to the Exportation of any of the ennumerated Articles by Land, is
taken off, and that the suspension of the said Act or Continuance
of it beyond the Time limited, depends in some Measure upon the
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 132
This letter
was read by
the Pennsyl-
vania Coun-
cil on July
25, 12 Pa.
Col. Recs.
433- See
also I Pa.
Arch. VIII,
p. 433-
On the
page is
Pres. Reed's
letter of
July 20 to