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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 218   View pdf image (33K)
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218 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C
No. 22

their Relief, feeling the Difficulties that surround and embarrass
your Excellency, and impelled by that patriotic Zeal and Love of
Independence which have actuated their Conduct upon every trying
Emergency, and anxiously solicitous to free you from your pecu-
liarly distressing Situation and to enable you to concert and execute
a proper Plan of Operations have passed the following Laws, An

p. 129

Act to procure Recruits &ca " A Supplement to the Act to procure
Recruits &ca " " An Act to expedite the raising an additional Bat-
talion of Regulars," " An Act to procure a Supply of Salt Meat for
the use of the Army " and An Act to procure an extra Supply of Pro-
visions of the Bread Kind, also Waggons and Horses &ca Copies
of which we have the Honor to transmit. We have appointed fit
Persons in the several Counties to carry these Laws into full Execu-
tion, and have directed them to apprize the People of our Intention
to make Use of the extraordinary Power, of Seizure, with which we
are vested, if they do not readily and chearf ully furnish those Articles
so necessary for the Army. It is not in our Power, precisely to
ascertain and explicitly advise you, what will be the Effect of our
Endeavours under these Laws, but we can with Confidence assure
you that if the Abilities of our People and our utmost Exertions are
competent to the Purposes intended to be effectuated by them, every
Thing required will be supplied as expeditiously as possible. We do
not apprehend Failure in our undertaking to raise an additional
Regiment within the Time limited, in Lieu of the Militia required,
but if it should happen, they are to be ordered out to make up the
Deficiency, in the Manner directed, and then we shall have it in
our Power to assist your Excellency with a Troop or more, of Light
Horse, composed of some of our most respectable Citizens. You will
perceive by the enclosed Copy of an Act to encourage the raising a
voluntier Troop of Light Horse &ca that a Number of Gentlemen
in Baltimore Town have offered to form themselves into a Troop of
Light Horse, and to furnish themselves at their own Expense; this
laudable and disinterested Conduct, we hope, will be emulated by the
Gentlemen of the several Counties in this State. We shall constantly
correspond with and inform you of the success in the Execution of the
enclosed Laws and give you full and speedy Intelligence of all Matters
that may tend to promote the Interest of the United States and assist
the Operations of this Campaign

[Council to Capt. Alexr Warfield]

Sir We have Occasion for a few Barrels of Powder and must
request you will immediately send to Mr Shaw, two Barrels of Can-
non Powder in your Cart, or if that should not be convenient, you are
to hire one for the Purpose.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 218   View pdf image (33K)
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