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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 217   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 217

in our Power to assist his Excellency with a Troop or more of Light
Horse, composed of some of our most respectable Citizens. You
will perceive by the enclosed Copy of an Act to encourage the rais-
ing a Volunteer Troop of Light Horse &ca that a Number of Gentle-
men in Baltimore Town have offered to form themselves into a
Troop of Light Horse and to furnish themselves at their own Ex-
pence; this laudable and disinterested Conduct, we hope will be emu-
lated by the Gentlemen of the several Counties in this State. We
shall constantly correspond with and inform you of the Success in
the Execution of the enclosed Laws, and give you full and Speedy
Intelligence of all Matters that may tend to promote the Interest of
the United States and assist the Operation of this Campaign

Liber C C

No. 22

[Council to Sam'l McGee Esqr]

Sir Colo Henry Hollingsworth has informed this Board that you
have in your Hands a Quantity of Flour &ca belonging to the Public
which you have refused to deliver, until you are paid for what has
been delivered. The Assembly passed an Act the last Session to
enable Mr Wederstrandt as a public Agent, in a Degree to Satisfy
his Creditors, but whether the Measure will sufficiently answer your
Purpose or comprehend your Case, we know not; however as you
are a good Whig and must have the common Cause at Heart, we
trust that any Argument in Favor of an immediate Delivery of all
the public Provisions in your Hands, would be unnecessary and
Superfluous, after informing you that the army is now and has been
for some Time past greatly distressed for every Species of Provisions
and that we are ready now and shall be on all future Occasions, to
do every Thing in our Power to lessen the Inconveniences which
have unavoidably attended the public Purchasers in performing
their Contracts. Our Treasury is entirely drained at present, but we
have Reason to expect it will be replenished ere long; then we shall
with Pleasure furnish Mr Wederstrandt with Money agreeable to the
Warrant in his Favor, after deducting such Sums as he is enabled to
draw for on the Collectors. The Army must be furnished with Bread
therefore we hope you will not detain the Flour and oblige us, against
our Inclination, to exert the Powers with which we are invested by
the Assembly for this Purpose

[Council to His Exy Genl Washington]

Sir In Consequence of the Resolutions of Congress, Letters from
your Excellency and the Committee of Co-operation, relative to
Men, Money and Supplies uf Piovisioiis, Horses and Waggons
allotted to be furnished by this State, the General Assembly, im-
pressed with an adequate Idea of the Wants of the Army and the
indispensable Necessity of providing in the most ample Manner for

p. 128

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 217   View pdf image (33K)
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