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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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204 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C

No. 22
p. I20

[Council to Mr. Abraham Faw]

Sir The General Assembly have now under their Consideration
the Subject of Supplies of Provisions for Army, and we expect their
Determination in a Few Days; we shall then have it in our Power
to answer particularly your Letters of the 3ist of May and 18th
Instant; in the mean Time we request you not to part with the Beef
you have, as we expect to be enabled to take it. We are sorry we
cannot, at this Time, transmit you an Order for the Sum you want

[Council to Colo. Lodwick Weltner, German Regiment.]

Sir It gives us much Concern that we have it not in our Power to
furnish Capt Boyer with the Cloathing Stores &ca agreeable to his
Application and which the Officers and Soldiers of your Regiment
are entitled to. The exhausted State of our Treasury at this Time,
renders it impracticable, but you may rely on it, Sir, that the German
Regiment has not been forgot by us and that we shall, as soon as we
are enabled, send forward the Necessaries to make them comfortable

[Council to Mr. Thomas Donellan]

Sir The Bearer Upsher King will deliver you 6 Barrells of Pork
and a small Quantity of Bacon; if good, we desire you to receive it
and forward it to Mr Henry Hollingsworth, and inform us of the

[Council to Colo Joshua Beall]

Sir We have received your several Letters of the 22d Ulto & 2ist
and 22d of the current Month. The Powder we request you will
dispose of, in the Manner most advantageous to the State. We be-
lieve it needless to suggest the Impropriety of allowing the Disaf-
fected to purchase largely Tne Militia Commissions are sent
herewith by Colo Lucas, agreeably to your Request. Under the 16th
Section of the Act for punishing certain Crimes and Misdemeanors,
and to prevent the Growth of Toryism, we apprehend all Persons
travelling through this State without a Pass or safe Conduct such as

p. 121

is prescribed by the Act aforesaid, are liable to be apprehended and
carried before a ludge or lustice for Examination and may be com-
mitted to the public Goal, if an Offender against the Laws, or dan-
gerous Person to this State, or the United States. The Case of
Wailes, we think deserves Consideration, and the Substance of your
Letter on the Subject shall be imparted to the Assembly in the Mean
Time, we recommend a strict Attention to the future Conduct of a
Man who has given too much Reason to render him suspected.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 204   View pdf image (33K)
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