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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 203

[Council to His Excy Joseph Reed Pennsylvania]

Sir We received your Favor of the 16th and have laid it, with the
Resolution of your Excellency and Council, before the General
Assembly. As soon as the Result of their Deliberations thereon is
made known to us, we shall communicate it to your Excellency. We
are sensible that your Design in laying the Embargo, may be frus-
trated, unless a similar Resolution is adopted by this State, and
therefore we should not have hesitated, in the Recess of the Assem-
bly, to have imposed such a Restriction as would have prevented the

Evil sugg-ested in your Letter. Nothing has a stronger Tendency to

preserve that Harmony so desirable between our States, as mutual

Liber C C

No. 22

See I Pa.
Arch, viii,
p. 354
Reed[s letter
is printed in
the same
volume at
p. 330

Endeavours to facilitate the Execution of Measures concerted by
either for the general Good and being under that Impression, we
shall, on every Occasion chearfully cooperate with your Board in
furthering them.

p. 120

Saturday 24th June 1780

Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Frederick County pay

to Capt. Michl Boyer of the German Regimt one thousand five hun
dred and thirty seven Pounds, five shillings due him for his Recruit-
ing Account and also the further sum of three thousand three hun-
dred and fifty Dollars for the Recruiting Service to be by him Ac-
counted for
Commission of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to James
Frazier Commander of the Schooner Dorchester 45 Tons burthen
navigated by 10 men mounting 4 Carriage Guns & 2 Swivels belong-
ing to Robertson Stevens & others of Dorchester County State of
Maryland & also to Alexander Murray Commander of the Brig
Revenge 120 Tons burthen navigated by 32 Men, mounting 12 Car-
riage Guns belonging to John Muir & others State of Maryland.
Commissions issued to William Moore appd Capt in the room of
Josias Shaw, Richard Cramphin 1 Lieut, Saml Sheckles 2 Lt Adam
Craige Ens — Benjamin Harwood Capt, in the room of Joseph Jones,
Richard Lyles 1st Lieut, Josias Belt 2d Lieut. John Wells Ens. Rich-
ard Duckett 2 Lieut & Philip Turner Ens. of Capt. James Mullikins
Compy in the Upper Battalion, also to Samuel Hepburn appd Capt,
in the room of Jno Smith Brookes John Clarke Sprigg 1 Lieut.
Richard Burgess jr 2d Lieut Edward Willet Ens. also to Zacha Berry
Capt in the room of Clement Wheeler Mordecai Burgess 1 Lieut,
Richard Hill 2d Lieut & Thomas Marshall Ens. belonging to the
Middle Batt. Prince Georges County.

Liber C B
No. 23
June 24
p. 165

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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