Liber C C
No. 22
p. 33
[Council to Gen. William Smallwood]
In Council Annapolis 27th Octr 1779
Sir We have inclosed you a Letter to his Excelly Genl Washing-
ton, requesting that a fourth Company of Artillery may be formed
of the three we have at Camp, to be commanded by a Major; there
are Men enough for it & still to spare and it will give an Opportunity
of gratifying the Officers of Brown's & Dorsey's Companies, who
complain, with, at least, a Shew of Reason, and we shall then keep
our own Men together. We request the Favor of you to deliver the
Letter at a proper Time and, as far as you may think it right, join
in our Request to the General. We are &ca
P. 34
[Council to Gen'l G. Washington]
Sir. On hearing that the two Companies of Matrosses kept here
and at Baltimore by this State, were directed by the Assembly to be
incorporated and sent into the Continental Service, Capt Lieut James
Smith of Brown's Company & Capt Lieut Edward Finley of Dorsey's
Company, wrote to the Governor proposing their Pretensions to rise,
if any Appointments were to take Place in that Company. The Man-
ner of their Writing, it being with great Temper on what they
esteemed an interesting Point of Right, is a Confirmation, in some
Degree, of what we have heard of their Merit: before we received
their Letter, the Company was commissioned, and that, as we con-
ceive, in the Manner we should have been obliged to commission it,
if we had received the Letter, immediately on the Act of Assembly