October 27, 1779-November 11, 1780.
Wednesday, 27 October, 1779.
[Thomas Johnson, Governor, Thomas Sim Lee, James Brice, Daniel
Carroll, Edward Lloyd, and James Hindman, Councillors.]
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut John
Jeremiah Jacob two thousand Dollars to be delivered over to the
Revd Mr Armstrong Chaplaine to Genl Gists Brigade in leiw of the
Articles for the Present year allowed by the Act of Assembly —
By General Gists Return of the 2d Maryland Brigade Septr 18th
1779 the non Commissd Officers and Privates are
Second Regimt 392 @ 20£ each 7840
4 Regimt 418 and the 6th Regt 305 14460
there were a number of Recruits expected allow 10
Men for ea Regt 600
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 70
1779 Octo-
ber 27
[Lee was
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut John
Jeremiah Jacob Twenty two thousand nine hundred Pounds, six
thousand three hundred Pounds part thereof to be retained by him as
Paymaster to the 6th Regimt Eight thousand and forty Pounds other
part thereof he is to pay over to Capt Lilburn Williams Paymaster
to the 2d & the residue being Eight thousand five hundred and Sixty
Pounds he is to pay over to Lieut John Hamilton Paymaster to the
4th Maryland Regimt to be by the said Paymasters delivered over to
the non commissioned Officers & Privates of those Regiments.—
That the said Treasurer pay to the said Lieut John Jeremiah
Jacob two thousand Dollars to be delivered over to Brigadier Genl
Gist the alla made him by the Gl Assembly
Summons issued to Abraham Whitacre, Benjamin Bradford
Norris, John Selby, Walter Taylor, William Wells, David McSwain