of the Council of Maryland. 145
Dollars. It is not in our Power to furnish them with Blankets at
this Place. We are much concerned that Mr Randall, by his Manner
of distributing- the Cloth purchased for the Officers has given Cause
for the Complaint of Partiality, mentioned in Colo Gunby's Letter
to you and can assure you that it is our Inclination to remove that
and every other Ground of Disgust and Uneasiness among the Offi-
cers and we shall take such Measures as will effectually prevent the
like Complaint
Liber C C
No. 22
Wednesday 19 April 1780.
Present as on yesterday.
Commissions of Letter of Marque and Reprisal issued to Charles
Harrison Commr of the Schooner Morrice 35 Tons burthen, navi-
gated by 14 Men, mounting 4 Carriage Guns, 4 Swivels and 6
Musketts also to William Coward Commander of the Schooner
Holker, 50 Tons burthen navigated by 17 Men mounting 6 Howitz
and 4 Swivels and belonging to Mathew Ridley and Compy of
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo Uriah
Forrest ninety one Pounds, two shillings and six pence and Seventy
three Pounds, Eleven Shillings and three Pence for the Use of Colo
Francis Ware, One hundred and two Pounds ten Shillings for the
use of Thos. Crackalls and Twenty nine Pounds five shillings for
the use of Francis Dickson per Accounts passed by the Aud. General.
That t'he said Treasurer pay to John Callahan one hundred and
Eighty Pounds Eight shillings for the use of Capt. James Wiley and
Compy p pay roll examd & passed by D. Aud.
April 19
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 140
[Council to Capt. Geo. p. Keeports]
Sir Upon a Consideration of all Circumstances, we prefer the
Purchase of Mr Hudson's Blankets to Colo Dorsey's Baize and there-
fore desire you to engage all he has at £125 to be paid for in a rea-
sonable Time, that is to say, when the State of our Treasury will
admit of it. You are to secure the 500 yds of Oznabrigs immediately
and we wish you to make a considerable Addition thereto, especially
if to be had for 17 Dolls the whole to be made into Overalls. If the
Maryland Troops should march to the Southward, Linen Overalls
will be indispensably necessary, as well as a large Supply of Shoes.
To call your Attention to the Purchase of those important Articles
of Cloathing, we trust is needless, shall therefore only recommend
Expedition. You will not deliver the shoes without further Orders,
as we apprehend the Officers have no Claim upon the State for them.
Send us a particular Account of all the Cloathing you have on Hand
with a Description of the Qualities as near as can be. We are sur-
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 90