xx Letter of Transmission.
Courts, and Wilkinson of Queen Anne's. On the same day, by a vote of 28
to 16, the House refused to pay for the completion of the Governor's house
through the issue of bills of credit. The Proprietary party voted to do so:
the Somerset and Worcester delegations, all the Dorchester men except Ennalls,
George and Colvill (the only men present) from Cecil, the Annapolitans and
Wright of Queen Anne's.
By a vote on June I, of 22 to 17, the House adopted a resolution to send the
Governor an address upon the question of a tax for arms. The party lines were
somewhat broken. In the minority, we find the Worcester men, the three
present from Somerset (King was absent) Nicholas Goldsborough and Thomas
of Talbot, Waughop of St. Mary's, Trippe of Dorchester (singularly his 3
colleagues voted aye), the 3 delegates present from Queen Anne's (Wilkinson
was absent), Gordon of Annapolis (Tasker was absent), and the 2 men
(Colvill and George) present from Cecil.
The last division occurred on June 2; when, in a thin house, it was voted
by 25 to 13 to condemn a payment from the fund for arms to Col. Levin Gale
of the Council for gifts to the Indians. The minority was made up of the four
delegates from Somerset, the three present from Worcester (Purnell was
absent), Nicholas Goldsborough of Talbot, George and Colvill of Cecil, Tasker
of Annapolis (Gordon was absent), and Trippe and LeCompte of Dorchester
(Ennalls voted aye).
The period was one of prosperity, the population was rapidly increasing, and
a trade was springing up with the West Indies and the Azores in maize, salted
provisions and lumber, so that tobacco was no longer the one staple of the
Province. The preference given to Pennsylvania in allowing her, and not
Maryland, to import salt directly from England naturally hindered the new
trade (Chalmers Introduction to the History of the Revolt II, pp. 11, 66, 346).
In the Introduction to the first volume of the Archives, Dr. Browne, the
editor, refers to the careful work done in 1882 by Miss Harrison, the Society's
copyist. It is with great pleasure that the present editor refers to the careful
work clone by the same copyist in 1922 for the forty-second volume of Archives.
In the Appendix are printed, for the nrst time, certain papers contained in
the Calvert papers and in the manuscript Maryland Archives, which throw light
upon the history of the period. The index has been prepared by the editor,
as usual. Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Publication.