No. 1109
the Lo: Ho: who passed Another Bill, And which to my very great
astonishment, And without precedent, was passed by the Upper
House (None but Mr Plater & my self publickly opposing it) But
the Governor with a spirit & Resolution becoming Your Lordship's
Representative, refused the scales & His assent: He also denyed any
Account to the Lo: House of the Amount of the 12s & Tonnage who
Addressed Him for that purpose.
The Lower House Has by Address to the Govr offer'd 29..6d sterl
p hhd. in lieu of Your Lordship's Quit rents Exclusive of the Aliena-
tion fines: should Your Lordship Hearken to any proposall of this
kind; I submit, whether it may not be more Eligible to take a Cer-
tain Sume And Have the paymt properly secured, Especially as it is
in time of War, And that the Countrey may not be prevented by an
Agreemt with Your Lordship from putting their trade under Regu-
lations, If they should Hereafter think it Expedient, tho at present
They do not seem to Entertain Any thoughts of it: Whether your
Lordship will Judge it proper to make use of Those Overtures for
any other Purpose than a Composition for the Quit rents, I must
Submit to your Lordship's Consideration & Directions, which I Hope
will be as Explicite as possible.
Upon Mr Dulany's Unwillingness to attend the Indian Treaty I
was injoyned by the Governour to that Service, which I undertake
purely, That I may not Appear backward in Any Instances where
Your Lordships Honour & Interest are Concerned: For I am truely
sensible not Only of my own Unfitness, but of the Difficultys which
may occurr from the Criticall Times, which no Doubt will Drive the
French to sollicit & Ingage by Every Method the Indian Friend-
ship: This will give the Indians a Handle to insist (If they Treat
with us at all) on a Greater Sums than what is allotted by the As-
sembly, or that Can be Discharged at present perhaps without your
Lordships assistance: But after all If we should meet, we must not
part upon bad Terms: The Event of this Treaty may be of such
Consequence as to draw the Indians in junction wth the French not
only on our Borders, but on those of His Majtys other Dominions in
America on the Continent. This, Virginia & Pensylvania are so
Aware of, That The Virga Comissrs are now at Philadelphia
ready for the Treaty, And the Governour of Philadelphia de-
signes to attend it, In order to forme a Defensive Allyance, If
it Can be effected; But perhaps we may find the Indians so
Averse in this point as that a strict neutrality may be the Only Thing
they will Concede to. Your Lordship will by the Papers Inclosed
perceive What the Governr urged to prove an obligation on the
Lower House to raise & make good what money may be necessary ;
And the strength of what He says is so undeniable, As must Con-
demn the Lo: Ho: If they should not Comply; But I Have so Little
Hopes of their Doing what is their Duty, or may be Reasonably ex-
pected in this And the Other Affair of Arms & Ammunition, That
I should be pleased If your Lordship, Upon our Address & the Be-