ince, and yet no Use could be made of them, Unless an Assembly
should be called and further Orders given.
From all which, it is manifest the Lower House did not design to
testify any Zeal for his Majesty by this Bill, or to make any Provi-
sion for the Security of this Province, in Case it should be attacked.
No. 396
My Lord. Annapolis June 12th 1744
The Assembly, which met the Ist of Last month, Ended The 4th
Instant: The Points, upon which the Principal Business of the Ses-
sion Turned, were, The Provision for Arms &c. And the intended
Indian Treaty: Inclosed are Copys of what passed between the Gov-
ernour & Lo: House on these Subjects, And Hope They will meet
your Lordship's Approbation, tho they Could not Have the Desired
effect upon the present Dispositions of the Lower House who Could
not be prevailed with, Either to Vote a Greater sume for the Indian
Treaty than £300 sterl, or forme any other bill for provision of Arms
&c Than of the same Impost with Those of the former Sessions,
(Except that the 3s was increased to 4s) But which the Upper House
now as then rejected: Your Lordship has Here inclosed a Copy of
that Bill, with some of my remarks, for Your Lordship's Considera-
tion, In Case Your Lordship should think it adviseable to make Any
Step in that affair with the Ministry, Either on the foot of Our Ad-
dress to His Majty Complaining of the Behaviour of the Lo: Ho :
or Otherwise. I now send a Copy of That Address: The Originall
your Lordship will Have from the Governr as soon as it Can be pre-
pared & signed by the severall members of the Councill. The Lower
House was so far from any willingness to promote a Good Treaty
of Peace & Amity with the Indians at this Criticall & Dangerous
time by a Larger allowance for that purpose, That they indeavoured
Even to restrain or rather Explain away the unlimitted declaration
they had made by their Address in the last Session for Discharge
of the Comissrs Expences; But which your Lordship will perceive
The Governour by His Message would not admitt: In Consequence
of this Conduct from the Lower House The Upper House refused
to pass the bills for an Agent, Officers fees, Replevin in the County
Courts Inlarging the Jurisdiction of the County Courts, Assizes, And
the Levy bill And although hear 30 bills are passed into Laws, I
know not One of Them more then Ordinary desireable by the Lower
House or Can be said in any degree a favourite, but rather indif-
Mr Charles Carroll in the Late Govrs time procured the passage
of a Bill in the Lo: Ho: for making good a Defective Deed, But
which was refused by the Upper House, After which He prosecuted
a Suit in Chancery agt His Heir at Law, where a Decree was pro-
nounced by Mr Ogle And still in force Against Him for want of
Equity; Nothwithstanding This Mr Carroll applyed this session to
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