And be it further Enacted, That the Owner or Owners of the
aforesaid Land shall and may have his, her, or their Choice of any
Two of the Lots aforesaid, in each of the said Towns, to be by him,
her, or them retained for his, her, or their proper Use.
Provided such Choice shall be made and declared to the Com-
missioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, within Ten Days
after the Surveys aforesaid, or either of them, shall: be made and
compleated, and not otherwise; and that after such Choice is made,
or in case no such Choice shall be made, within Ten Days aforesaid,
then after the Expiration of the same Ten Days, all Persons what-
soever shall be at Liberty to take up and purchase the same Lots in
each of the Towns aforesaid, paying the Owner or Owners afore-
said, or others therein interested, the Price or Value thereof, so as
aforesaid set and assessed by the Commissioners aforesaid; and that
every Person who shall pay as aforesaid, the Price of the Lot by him
or her taken up or chosen, or shall prove to the Satisfaction of the
said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, that he or she had
tendered or offered to pay the said Price to the Owner or Owners
aforesaid, and that such Owner or Owners had refused to accept or
receive the same, and an Entry of such Payment or Tender, and
Refusal being made according to the Directions hereafter mentioned,
such Person shall and is hereby declared to be, by Virtue of such
Payment or Tender, and Refusal, and Entry thereof made as afore-
said, and this Act, fully and absolutely invested and seized of and in
an Estate of Inheritance in Fee-Simple, of and in such Lot to him
or her, and his or her Heirs or Assigns, for ever, without any Deed,
Conveyance, or other Transfer, from such Owner or Owners for
the same; any Statute, Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary not-
Owners of
the Land to
have Choice
of any Two
Provided also, That all and every the Person and Persons afore-
said, so taking up the Lots aforesaid, or any of them, in either of
the said Towns, shall and are hereby obliged and required, within
Three Years after they shall take up their respective Lots as afore-
said, and Entry thereof made as aforesaid, to erect, build, and finish
thereon One good substantial and tenantable House, with one Brick
or Stone Chimney thereto, that shall cover not less than Four Hun-
dred square Feet of Ground, exclusive of Sheds; and that all and
every of such Taker or Takers-up, who shall neglect to build as
aforesaid on their respective Lots aforesaid, within the Time herein
for that Purpose limited and appointed, shall lose such Lot; and the
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