Acts. 625
An Act to enable certain Commissioners therein named to lay out
Forty Acres of Land into Eighty Lots, for a Town on Indian
River, in Worcester County; as also Forty Acres of Land into
Eighty Lots, at the Head of Asseteague Creek, at a Place com-
monly called the Trapp, for a Town.
Whereas, it is represented to this General Assembly, by the In-
habitants of Worcester County, that there are Two very good and
convenient Places for Towns, in Worcester County, the one situate
on Indian River, at John Massey's and Thomas Eydolat's Dwelling
Plantations, on the said River; and the other situate at the Head of
Asseteague Creek, at a Place commonly called Trapp, very commo-
dious and well situated for Trade and Commerce: And in as much
as those Parts of the said County, contiguous to the said Situations,
are destitute of Center for Trade, and that by encouraging Settle-
ments there, the Inhabitants may be the better enabled to repel any
Enemy's Landing on the Sea-Side of the said County.
Acts are
1745 Ch. 30
and 1747
Ch. 12]
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That Capt. John Purnell, Capt. Thomas
Robins, Col. John Henry, Capt. Parker Selby, Mr. John Miller,
Mr. Joseph Miller, and Major Samuel Hopkins, shall be, and are
hereby appointed Commissioners for Worcester County aforesaid,
and are hereby authorized and impowered as well to buy Forty
Acres of Land at each of the Places aforesaid, where it shall appear
to them, or the major Part of them, to be most convenient for the
Towns aforesaid, as to survey and lay out, or cause the same to be
surveyed and laid out, in the best and most convenient Manner, into
Eighty Lots, in each of the Towns aforesaid so to be erected.
p. 28
And be it further Enacted, That the Commissioners aforesaid,
before nominated and appointed, or the major Part of them, are
hereby impowered and required, at some Time by them, or the
major Part of them, to be appointed, before the last Day of Novem-
ber next after the End of this present Session of Assembly, to meet
together on the Lands aforesaid, or at some other Place near and
convenient thereto, and then and there treat and agree (if the same
can be done upon reasonable Terms) with the Owner or Owners,
or Person or Persons, interested in the said Eighty Acres of Land
so to be laid out into the Towns aforesaid, for the Purchase thereof.
And if it shall happen that the said Owner or Owners, Person or
Persons, will not agree with the said Commissioners, for such Rate
or Price as they the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them,
shall think reasonable, or shall refuse to make Sale of the same; or
that through Non-age, Coverture, or any other Disability or Impedi-
ment, shall be disabled to make such Sales, that then and in any such
Case the Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, shall
Duty of said