624 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
and laying out the said Charles-Town, but likewise hath been obliged
to pay several Sums of Money to Chain-bearers, and other Labour-
ers, and his own necessary Expences, to the Value of more than
the Allowance made to him, by the Act for laying out the said
Town; Be it therefore Enacted, That the Justices of Caecil County
aforesaid shall, and are hereby enabled and required, at the Laying
of the next Levy, to tax and levy the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds
of Tobacco, on the taxable Inhabitants of the said County, with the
Sheriff's Commission thereon, which Sum of Two Thousand Pounds
of Tobacco, so levied, shall be paid by the Sheriff of said County to
the said John Veazy, for his Services and Expence aforesaid.
joining their
Names for
one Lot,
how to pro-
And whereas the small Number of Lots, directed to be laid out
in Charles-Town aforesaid, were not sufficient to accommodate the
great Number of Persons appearing willing to enter, and pay for
the same, whereby great Numbers (to prevent Contests) were
obliged and willing to join two of their Names to one Lot, to be
divided between them; to prevent therefore the Trouble and Charge
of executing and recording Deeds or other Instruments, as may by
reason thereof be occasioned, Be it therefore Enacted, That all such
p. 27
Persons, who on the Day of Ballotting for the Lots in Charles-Town
aforesaid, entered two of their Names for one Lot, Reference being
had to the Clerk's Entry on that Day made and taken, may at any
Time, within Twelve Months after the End of this Session of As-
sembly, have Liberty to enter with the said Clerk, such equal Divi-
sion, or distinct Moiety of such Lot or Lots, as shall be agreed on
by the said two Parties; which Agreement or Division the said Clerk
shall enter on the Record-Book, to be kept for said Town, and shall
receive for each Entry One Shilling; and such Entry or Record
made by the said Clerk in the Book aforesaid, and both or either of
the Parties performing the Requisites required for saving Lots by
the Law, for Charles-Town aforesaid, shall have such Lot, and
transfer to each of the said Persons a Property to their respective
and distinct Moiety, so agreed on and entered as aforesaid, in as
ample Manner as in the former Law is directed, for giving and
securing Title to Persons taking single or whole Lots.
Rev. Mr.
Wye ex-
empted from
And be it also Enacted, That the Reverend Mr. William Wye,
having at the Balloting aforesaid made Purchase of a Lot in said
Charles-Town, he is hereby exempted from forfeiting the said Lot,
although not built thereon; any former Law to the contrary not-
This Act to continue for Seven Years, from and after the End
of this Session of Assembly, and unto the End of the next Session
of Assembly which shall happen after the End of the said Seven
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