610 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
to the Rites of the Church of England; and such Freeholders, or the
major Part of them, shall and may, and they are hereby impowered
to agree with such Clergyman, and to pay him out of the Forty
Pounds of Tobacco arising within the said vacant Part, or the Pro-
duce thereof, in the Hands of the Justices aforesaid, which said
Justices are hereby directed and impowered to pay the same, accord-
ing to the Order of the said Freeholders, or the major Part of them.
Chap. XV.
An Act for building a Prison in Worcester County.
Whereas, it is necessary to build a Prison in Snow-Hill Town, in
Worcester County, with such Conveniencies as may render Confine-
ment less grievous, and for the better Security of Prisoners in the
p. 16
said County :
to build a
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Worcester, or the major
Part of them, shall and may, and are hereby authorized and impow-
ered to erect and build, for the Use of Worcester County, a Prison,
in Snow-Hill Town, in the said County.
500 l.
allowed for
building the
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit shall, on
Demand, pay unto the said Justices of Worcester County, or the
major Part of them, or their Order, the Sum of Five Hundred
Pounds in Bills of Credit, for the Purpose aforesaid; which the said
Justices of Peace, or the major Part of them, are hereby impowered
and directed to lay out in erecting or building the said Prison.
Chap. XVI.
B. L. C.
p. 295
An Act to enable Samuel Wilson Executor of Margarett Lindow to
Convey certain Lands to David Wilson
Whereas Samuel Wilson of Somerset County Executor of the
last Will and Testament of Margarett Lindow late of the same
County Deceased by his Petition to this General Assembly has set
forth that by Agreement made between the same Margarett in his
Life time and a certain David Wilson of the aforesaid County the
said David was to Convey and make over to her all his Right Title
and Interest of and in a parcel of Land called Davis's Choice and
that in Consideration thereof the said Margarett should convey and
make over to the said David all her Estate Right Title and Interest
of and in all the Lands devised by the last Will and Testament of
Colo David Brown deceased to Thomas Wilson Father of the same
Margarett and that in pursuance of that Agreement the same David
by his Deed bearing date the Seventeenth day of September Seven-
teen hundred and forty two did Convey to the same Margarett his
Estate Right and Title to the aforesaid Land called Turners Pur-
chase and the said Margaret Executed A Bond in the Penalty of