Acts. 609
the Time being, to be applied to the Use of the said Parish, accord-
ing to the Directions of the aforesaid Act of Assembly.
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Justices shall cause such Bond or Bonds to be entered among the
Records of the County aforesaid, and a Copy of such Bond, in case
of Loss of the original Bond or Bonds, and Non-Payment, shall be
good Evidence against the Principal or Principals, Surety or Sure-
ties, in such Bond mentioned, and that as Occasion shall be to sue
such Bond, the same shall be done in the same Manner as Sheriffs
must be
among the
Records of
the County.
Bonds have heretofore been.
p. 15
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Freeholders of the said Four
Parishes in St. Mary's County respectively, and of the said Trinity
Parish in Charles County, shall, and they are hereby impowered and
directed to make choice of Six select Vestrymen and Two Church-
Wardens, each respectively, at such Time and Place, and from time
to time, as Need shall require, and according to the Directions of
the Laws of this Province now in Force, or which hereafter shall be,
touching the Premises, with the same and like Rights, Liberties, and
Privileges, as other Vestries within this Province now have, or here-
after may have.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Freeholders of the said Four
Parishes in St. Mary's County, so as aforesaid to be erected, as also
of the said Trinity Parish in Charles County, shall, from and after
the Time of this Act's taking Place, have, hold, and enjoy all and
singular the Rights, Liberties, Privileges, and Immunities, which
any other Parish or Parishes now have, or hereafter may have within
this Province; any Law, Statute, Usage, or Custom to the contrary
thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
and Church-
Wardens to
be chose by
the Free-
Provided always nevertheless, That such Divisions or Alterations
of the Parishes aforesaid, or the erecting of the aforesaid Trinity
Parish in Charles County, shall not take Place or Effect until the
Death or Removal of the present Incumbent or Incumbents respec-
tively, as the same may or shall happen, so as not to alter or change
the yearly Income of either or any of the said present Incumbents,
in the Parishes which they now enjoy.
The Divi-
sion and
not to affect
the present
Provided also, and it is hereby Declared and Enacted, That in
case of the Death or Removal of either of the Incumbents of the said
All Faith and King and Queen Parishes, whereby the Part of his
Parish now within Charles County should become vacant, and with-
out the Assistance of a Clergyman, that then and in such Case, it
shall and may be lawful for the Protestant Freeholders of that
vacant Part, or the greater Number of them, to meet and make choice
of a suitable Place for the Performance of Divine Service within
such Part, and then to apply to the Governor or Commander in Chief
within this Province, to appoint them a Clergyman fit and able to
perform Divine Service, and administer the Sacrament, according