Acts. 441
land, to the uses therein mentioned, as also an Act entituled, An Act
for the explaining and carrying into Execution an Act entituled
An Act for laying out and applying Three Thousand Five Hundred
Pounds Current Money of Maryland, for the uses therein men-
tioned, as also by another Act entituled, An Act for the further ex-
plaining and carrying into Execution an Act for laying out and
applying Three Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Current Money of
Maryland to the uses therein mentioned, the Honourable Samuel
Ogle, Esq; late Governor of this Province, was by the said Acts im-
powered and authorized to Purchase for the use of the Public, and
the Building a Dwelling-House, Out-Houses and other Conveni-
encies for the Residence of the Governor of this Province for the
Time being, not only any Land or Ground which may be or esteemed
to be within the Fence of the City of Annapolis, not exceeding Four
Lots, but also any Land or Ground without the said Fence, not
exceeding in the whole the quantity of One Hundred and Fifty
Acres. And whereas the said Samuel Ogle, Esq; hath not Pur-
chased any Lands according to the Directions of the said Acts, and
is now removed from this Province, whereby the Powers and Au-
thorities by the before mentioned Acts vested in him, cannot now be
by him performed and perfected: It is therefore humbly prayed that
it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That his Excellency Thomas Bladen, Esq; Governor of Mary-
land, or the Governor for the Time being, may, and he is hereby
Impowered and Authorized to Purchase for the Use of the Public
of the Province of Maryland, and the Building thereon a Dwelling-
House, Out-Houses and other Conveniencies, for the Residence of
the Governor of this Province for the Time being, any quantity of
Ground within the Fence of the City of Annapolis, either in the Old
Town, the Addition thereto, or the Town Common or Pasture, any
Quantity of Land so as the same exceed not the Quantity of Four
Acres, to be inclosed or used as Gardens, Yards, or other Conveni-
to purchase
Lands, &c.
encies for the Buildings aforesaid.
p. 52
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Thomas Bladen, Esq; or the Governor for the Time being,
who shall Purchase such Land or Ground and Pay for the same,
according to the Directions and Intention of this Act, shall and may,
and he or they are hereby Impowered, Authorized and Directed, to
cause the said Quantity of Four Acres of Ground to be surveyed and
laid out by the Surveyor of Anne-Arundel County for the Time
being, and the same to be Butted and Bounded by good Locust Posts,
or large Stones at each Corner, and a Certificate of such Survey to
return in the Mayor's Court Office of the City aforesaid, there to be
Recorded amongst the Records of the Court aforesaid; also a Dupli-
to cause the
said Land
to be sur-
veyed, &c.