440 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
And Whereas, the present Incumbent of the Parish, wherein the
said Town and Common is to be laid out, has signified his Willing-
ness and Consent to exempt all Persons actually living and residing
within the Bounds of the said Town-Land, from the Payment of
the Forty per Poll, and as such Privilege or Exemption may greatly
encourage Persons of all Professions, Religions, Perswasions,
Trades, or Occupations whatsoever, to build and settle in the said
Town, and much conduce to the better peopling and seating the ad-
jacent Lands, now uncultivated in the said Parish, to the equal
Benefit to the Incumbents thereof,
to be ex-
from the 40
per Poll, &c.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That all and every Person and
Persons whatsoever, actually residing or dwelling in the said Town,
their Servants and Slaves likewise actually residing there, shall,
during such his, her, or their Residence, be exempted and discharged
from the Forty per Poll granted to the Episcopal Clergy of this
Province, and all other parochial Taxes, Charges, and Dues what-
And be it further Enacted, That the Inhabitants of the same Town,
after one Year's Residence therein, shall and are hereby declared and
adjudged to be Residents of this Province, and shall have and enjoy
all the Rights, Privileges, Immunities, and Exemptions of Residents,
by Virtue of any the Acts of Assembly of this Province, or other-
wise; any Law, Statute, or Usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.
On Demise
of any of
the Com-
new ones to
be chosen.
And be it further Enacted, That when and as often as any of the
Commissioners aforesaid shall die, remove from the County afore-
said, or refuse or neglect to join in the Execution of this Act, then
and in any such Case, the major Part of the other Commissioners
aforesaid, shall choose others in the Place of such who shall die,
refuse, remove or neglect as aforesaid, and such Person or Persons
so chosen shall have equal Power to act as the other Commissioners
herein mentioned, and that the Power and Authority of the said
Commissioners shall continue, until all Things by them directed by
this Act to be done, shall be compleated and finished; and that all
Moneys herein before directed to be paid to them by the Clerk afore-
p. 51
said, shall be applied to the Building or repairing of public Build-
ings, Wharfs, or other public Uses of the said Town, as the said
Commissioners, or the major Part of them, shall think fit.
An Act to enable his Excellency Thomas Bladen, Esq; or the Gov-
ernor for the Time being, to Purchase Four Acres of Land within
the Fence of the City of Annapolis, for the Use of the Public, and
to Build thereon a Dwelling House and other Conveniencies for
the Residence of the Governor of Maryland for the Time being,
and to Repeal part of other Acts therein mentioned.
Whereas by an Act entituled, An Act for laying out and applying
Three Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Current Money of Mary-