Acts. 435
it, the same seems altogether necessary; It is therefore humbly
prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That Col. Thomas Colvill, Capt. Nicholas Hyland, Mr. Ben-
jamin Pearce, Mr. William Alexander, Mr. Henry Baker,
Mr. Zebulon Hollingsworth, and Mr. John Read, be, and are hereby
impowered, authorized, and appointed Commissioners to put this
Act in Execution, according to the Directions hereafter mentioned ;
that is to say, That the aforesaid Commissioners, or the major Part
of them, shall at some convenient Time, by them to be appointed and
agreed upon, before the Twentieth Day of May next ensuing the
End of this present Session of Assembly, meet upon a Parcel of
Land commonly known by the Name of Long-Point, lying in Caecil
County, on the West Side of North-East River, and shall then, or at
any other Time or Times to which they shall or may adjourn, with
sioners ap-
pointed to
put this
Act in
the Assistance of the Deputy-Surveyor of the said County, survey
and lay out for a Town Two hundred Acres of the Parcel of Land
aforesaid, which shall to them, or the major Part of them, appear
to be most fit and convenient for that Purpose, into Two Hundred
convenient Lots, with proper Streets, Lanes, and Alleys; as also
Three Hundred Acres of Land for a Common to the said Town,
lying thereto contiguous, in such Manner as to them, or the major
Part of them, shall seem proper, and the same Lots shall stake out,
mark, and distinguish by the Number I, 2, 3, and so on to the Num-
ber Two Hundred.
p. 46
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Surveyor aforesaid shall make Two exact Plats, with Certificates
particularly expressing the Lots, Streets, Lanes, and Alleys of the
said Town, with their Numbers, Lengths, Breadths, and Names, of
every of them, one of which Plats and Certificates, subscribed by
the said Surveyor and aforesaid Commissioners, or the major Part
of them, shall be delivered to the Governor for the Time being, and
the other, subscribed as aforesaid, to the Clerk of the County afore-
said, to be by him safely kept, and the Certificate thereof enrolled
amongst the Records of the same County, which said Plat and Cer-
tificate lodged in the Custody of the said Clerk, all Persons shall and
may, by Virtue of this Act, have free Liberty to inspect without any
Fee or Reward.
to make 2
Plats, with
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of them, shall, and are
hereby impowered to treat and agree with the Proprietor or Proprie-
tors, Owner or Owners, or Persons interested in the Land aforesaid,
so as aforesaid to be laid out into a Town and Common, or with the
Agents, Factors, or other Persons authorized by them, for the Price
sioners to
agree with
the owners,
&c. about
the price of
the Land.