434 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
to the same uses and purposes as the Forty per Poll on the like
Occasion, by an Act of Assembly made and passed at a Session of
Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis, on the Twenty-
sixth Day of April, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen,
entituled, An Act to declare how the Forty Pounds of Tobacco per
Poll in such Parishes where there is no Incumbent, shall be dis-
posed of, is directed to be applied; And also in case any of the Leases
as aforesaid made, shall, during such Vacancy as aforesaid, expire,
cease or determine, that then and in such case, it shall and may be
lawful to and for the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of the said
Parish, for the Time being, to renew or re-demise the same, in the
same manner and to the same uses and purposes, and under the like
restrictions as are herein before set forth concerning those made or
to be made by the Incumbent, Vestry-men and Church-wardens of
the said Parish; any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom, or any Thing
herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise not-
p. 45
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Lease to be
entred on
the Register
aforesaid Lease or Leases so as aforesaid to be made, shall, and are
hereby directed to be within Three Months from the date thereof
by the Clerk or Register of the said Parish, for the Time being, at
the request of the Lessee, entered verbatim on the Register Book
of the said Parish, and there to be viewed and perused by any Person
desiring the same, and who shall on Payment of a reasonable Fee or
Reward, have a Copy thereof, or of such Part thereof as such
Person shall think proper, and for which Entry so as aforesaid to be
made in the Register Book, the Clerk or Register shall have and
receive the Sum of Five Shillings Current Money, and no more; and
which Entry when made as aforesaid, shall be deemed, taken and
construed to be as good and effectual to all Intents and Purposes, as
if the same had been acknowledged and entered among the aforesaid
City, County or Provincial Records; any Law, Usage or Custom
to the contrary notwithstanding.
An Act for laying out and erecting a Town, at a Place called Long-
Point, on the West Side of North-East River, in Caecil County.
by 1744 Ch.
22, 1750 Ch.
12 and 1753
Ch. 28]
Whereas, the Encouragement of Trade and Navigation is the
surest Means of promoting the Happiness and encreasing the Riches
of every Country, and that such Trade is with the greatest Ease and
Advantage carried on, when the same is drawn into and fixed in
one or more convenient Places, whereby it appears, that erecting
Towns and granting proper Immunities and Privileges for the En-
couragement of People to inhabit therein, must greatly contribute to
so desirable an End, and there being as yet no such Place settled at
or near the Head of Chesapeak Bay, although from the great Ex-
tent of the Country round, and the Want of navigable Water above