246 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 22, 1741.
For a Term
of Years.
Publick Notice being first given, for any Term of Years not exceed-
ing Twenty One Years, under such Yearly Rents as the same Visi-
tors or the major Part of them shall think proper and reasonable.
And be it further Enacted, That all such Leases as the aforesaid
Visitors or the major Part of them shall make, of the Land aforesaid,
Such Leases
good and
according to the Directions of this Act, shall be good and valid to the
Person or Persons taking the same for the Terms therein men-
tioned, and shall be binding as well on the Master of the same School
at the Time of making such Lease or Leases, as on any succeeding
Master or Masters, who shall be Admitted to, or put in Possession
of, the same School, at any Time after the making of the same Lease
or Leases, any Law, Statute, other Act of Assembly, Usage or
Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
p. 2
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Monies arising on the Leases aforesaid, for the Rents of the Lands
aforesaid, shall be Applied to the Use of, and paid to, the Master of
the School aforesaid for the Time being, and not otherwise, and if
Rent how
it shall happen at any Time during the Continuance of any such
Terms, that there be no Master of the said School, that then and in
every such Case, all Monies arising on such Leases during such
Vacancy, shall be paid to, and Recieved by, the Visitors aforesaid,
and by them or the major Part of them, laid out and Applied for
the Use and Benefit of the said School, as to them or the major Part
of them shall seem meet.
Chapter 11
An Act for Laying out and Applying a Sum not exceeding Two
Hundred and Fifty Pounds Current Money to the Uses therein
Whereas by an Act made at a Session of Assembly, begun and
held at the City of Annapolis, the Thirteenth Day of March Seven-
teen Hundred and Thirty Two, entituled, An Act for Emitting and
making Current Ninety Thousand Pounds Current Money of
Maryland in Bills of Credit, a Sum not exceeding Five Hundred
Pounds, in the said Bills of Credit, is appointed to be Applied towards
or in the Repairs of the Publick Buildings, according to the Direc-
tions of an Act passed that Session.
And Whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly,
by the major Part of such of the Trustees as were appointed to Apply
the said Five Hundred Pounds, that upon Inspection into the Repairs
necessary to be made to the Council-House, the Stadt-House, and
the Parade, in Annapolis, it is found that the said Sum is not suffi-
cient to pay for what Repairs have been made, or to Compleat the
same as it ought to be, and therefore it is necessary that a further
Sum be applied to the Purposes aforesaid, which is thought reason-