At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis
the 26th Day of May in the twenty seventh Year of the Dominion of
the Right Honble Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore Annoq
Domini 1741 and Ending the twenty second Day of June following.
The following Laws were enacted & assented to by his Excellency
Samuel Ogle Esqr Govr
See also
Liber B.L.C.
pp. 215 ff.
Chapter I
An Act to Enable the Visitors of the Free School of Kent County
for the Time being, to Lease one Moiety of the Land, except Ten
Acres, belonging to the same School.
Whereas the Visitors of the Free School of Kent County, by their
Petition to this General Assembly, have set forth, that the Moiety of
the Land, belonging to the same School, Assigned for the Con-
veniency of making Corn and Grain, and for Pasturage to the
Master, lying Contiguous to Chester-Town, would prove of much
greater Advantage, if the same was divided into small Lots or Par-
cels, and Leased out to the Inhabitants of the said Town, and others
of the Neighbourhood, for Pasture or Meadow Ground, than if made
Use of as the Act of Assembly directs, besides that the making of
Corn and Grain must necessarily take up some Part of the Masters
Time, which ought to be employed in Attendance on the School, and
being Apprehensive, that Leases of the same Land, made either by
them or the Master, would not be binding on a Succeeding Master,
in case of Death or Removal, and therefore prayed an Act of Assem-
bly to Enable them to make such Leases, which is thought reasonable
to Grant.
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Visitors of Kent County Free School
for the Time being, or the major Part of them, be and are hereby
Authorized and Impowered, to Divide and Lay out all that Norther-
most or Uppermost Moiety of the Land belonging to, and Purchased
for the Use of, the Free School aforesaid, except Ten Acres, into so
many convenient Lots or Parcels as to them or the major Part of
them shall seem meet, not exceeding the Quantity of Three Acres
to each Lot, and the same so Divided and Laid out, to Number and
Distinguish by the Numbers, One, Two, Three, and so on, and to
Demise and Lease out the same to the highest Bidders, Ten Days
Part of the
Lands in
County to
be divided
into Lots
and Leased
out by the