U. H. J.
2 Assembly Proceedings, July 7-29, 1740.
tions to me (which I received the 29th of last Month) for raising
Troops in this Province for that Expedition, I have in Obedience to
his Majestys Commands called you together as soon as possibly I
could, that I may acquaint you, His Majesty trusts and expects His
Assembly of Maryland will provide Victuals Transports, and all
Other Necessaries, for the Troops to be raised in this Province, except
Cloaths Tents Arms, Ammunition and Pay, 'till their Arrival at their
General Rendezvous in the West Indies, from which Time the said
Transports are to enter into his Majestys Pay
p. 2
I am perswaded by the Chearfulness shewn by every Branch of the
Legislature at Our last Session for his Majestys Service, that I need
not attempt to add to the Weight, which his Majestys Trust and
Expectations must have with you on this Occasion, Only This, that
I cannot but think some further Encouragement, by Exemption f r6m
Arrests under a Particular Sum, will promote the Levies more
effectually than any other Method.
A Proper Fund for the Defence of Our selves and the Province,
must always be of so great Importance (especially at this time) that
my Duty to his Majesty and Care of his Subjects under this Gov-
ernment, will never suffer me to omit any Opportunity of earnestly
exhorting you, to make a suitable Provision for that Purpose, nor
can you at the same time be unmindful of what I recommended at
the last Session to you, Gentlemen of the Lower House, in Relation
to a Magazine and an Amendment of Our present Militia Law
These Gentlemen are Points, which I judge absolutely necessary
to lay before you, and press particularly at this Juncture, and they
are of such Consequence that I hope you will give a Preference and
Dispatch to them in the first Place, before any other Business you
may think fit to proceed on; for I am well assured, you will by such
a Conduct, rather than any other, approve Yourselves dutiful Sub-
jects to his most Gracious Majesty, as well as true Friends and
Guardians of the Safety, and Well being of this Province.
And for your further Satisfaction in what his Majesty expects
from you, I shall lay before you the Royal Instructions sent to me
on this Occasion.
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning nine of the Clock