Arts. 129
Victuals and other Necessaries aforesaid, for the said Troops, from
such Time till the Time of their Imbarkation; and shall provide for
the said Troops sufficient wholesome Victuals or Provisions at the
Place or Places where they shall be lodged or encamped within this
Province, or may Contract and Agree with some other Person or
Persons for the Finding and Providing the same for the Troops
aforesaid, at such Rates and Prices as they the said Agents, or any
two of them, can agree for, and pay such Person or Persons for the
same out of the Money by them as aforesaid received.
And be it further Enacted, That at such Time as the same Agents,
or any two of them, shall receive due Notice from the Governor for
the Time being, the Commander in Chief or principal Officer of the
same Troops here, or other Person or Persons to whom the Disposi-
And to
for the
tion and Imbarkation of the same Troops shall be committed, of
the Time when the aforesaid Troops are to be Embarked for the
West-Indies, they the said Agents, or any two of them, are hereby
impowered and required to Freight and Hire Ships or other Ves-
sels, convenient for Transporting the said Troops from hence to the
Place of Rendezvous in the West-Indies aforesaid, and to Pay for
Vessels to
be Hired
the Freight or Hire of those Ships or Vessels out of the Money
aforesaid, by this Act so as aforesaid Appropriated, which Money
for the Freight and Hire aforesaid, shall in like manner be called for
and received by the said Agents, or any two of them, from the Com-
missioners or Trustees aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
same Agents, or any two of them, shall, and are hereby required
and obliged, with the Money by them as aforesaid to be received,
to buy up, provide, and put on board the said Ships or Vessels, Pro-
visions and other Necessaries sufficient and convenient for the same
Troops so to be Transported in their Voyage aforesaid, as usual in
P. 3
such cases, accounting the same to the number of Sixty Days from
the Time of Imbarkation, or otherwise to Contract and Agree with
the Owners or Masters of such Ships or Vessels for the Finding and
Providing such Provisions and Necessaries aforesaid, for the same
Troops so by them to be Transported as aforesaid.
For Sixty
days after
And for the Replaceing and Repayment of the aforesaid Sum of
Five Thousand Pounds, Money so as aforesaid to be taken up and
received from the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, for the Uses
aforesaid, or so much thereof as shall be used and applied to the
same Uses and Purposes, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That one Moiety of
all the Duties by virtue of any Act or Acts of Assembly of this
Money to be
repaid into
the Office,
Province arising on Rum, Spirits, Wine, and Brandy, Irish Servants,
and Negroes, Imported into this Province, which by the same Act
or Acts, or any of them, have been applied for defraying the Public
Charge of this Province, shall and is hereby required and directed,
By Duties
on Rum, &c.