128 Assembly Proceedings, July 7-29, 1740.
as Soldiers in his Majesty's Service for the aforesaid Expedition,
which said Number is the most that can be reasonably presumed to
be Raised or Inlisted in this Province.
We therefore his Majesty's faithful and loyal Subjects the Dele-
gates of the Freemen of the same Province in General Assembly
Convened, dutifully to comply with his Majesty's Expectations ex-
prest in the aforesaid Instructions, and to Contribute, as far as the
Circumstances of this Colony can allow, to the Success of his
Majesty's Arms, and the further promoting the Levies and Expedi-
tion aforesaid, against our Common Enemy, and Raising and Grant-
ing a Sum of Money, in the whole not exceeding Ten Pounds for
each Person, for the Maintenance and Transportation of the afore-
said Number of Five Hundred Men, or so many of them as shall
Inlist as aforesaid, for and during the space of Four Months, humbly
Pray that it may be Enacted,
p. 2
A Sum of
Money to be
Victuals, &c
for 500
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That a Sum of Money not exceeding Five
Thousand Pounds Current Money in Bills of Credit of this Province,
part of the Publick Money in the Hands and Custody of the Com-
missioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit Established by
Act of Assembly, be, and is hereby Enacted, Appointed, Declared
and Appropriated, to be taken up, paid and applied, by the Persons
and in Manner hereafter mentioned, for the buying, finding and
providing Victuals, Transports, and other Necessaries aforesaid,
for the Number of Five Hundred Men to be Inlisted and Raised in
this Province for his Majesty's Service for the Expedition aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Honourable Benjamin Tasker, Esq; Col. Robert King, and
Dr. Charles Carroll, be, and are hereby Constituted and Appointed
Agents for this Province, to Execute and Perform the several Mat-
ters and Things contained and mentioned in this Act, according to
the Tenor thereof, in manner hereafter exprest, (That is to say,)
That as soon as any Number of Troops or Soldiers, not exceeding
Five Hundred, shall be Inlisted, Levied and Raised within this Prov-
ince, and drawn together into one or more Body or Bodies, at one
or more particular Places, by any Officer or Officers thereto duly
Authorized by Commission from his Majesty, and Notice or Cer-
tificate thereof given to the said Agents, or any two of them, by the
To take the
Money out
of the Office
Governor for the Time being, or such Officer or Officers aforesaid,
the same Agents, or any two of them, shall forthwith call for, de-
mand, and receive, from the Commissioners or Trustees for Emit-
ting the Bills of Credit Established by Act of Assembly, such Sum
or Sums of Money, in Bills of Credit, as they the said Agents, or any
two of them, shall think necessary, for the finding and providing