Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 99
Aaron Jacobson demandeth writt of Scire facias agst John Little
for one hundd eighty fiue pownds Tob. wth costs of suite. Besides
Two hundd pownds of Tob. for Court charges, according to an
Order of Court, made, att Patuxt 4o Nouembr 1657.
Writt of Scire facias to the Sheriffe of the County of Caluert
Ret. 8o Septembr next. Vid. writt Supra fol. 61.
P. C. R.
Jacobson v.
Jacob Lumbrozo demandeth writt of Scire facias, agst Cornelius
Abraham for fowre hundred pownds of Tob. & cask, wth costs of
suite, according to a Judgmt acknowledged by the sd Abraham to
the sd Lumbrozo, att a Court held att Patuxt 31 Decembr 1657.
Writt of Scire facias, to the Sheriffe of the County of Caluert,
Ret. 8o Septembr next ut Supra, Vid. writt. fol. 61.
Lumbrozo v.
Capt Willm Stone demandeth warrt agst John Harwood in an
accon of the Case.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maris County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prouinciall Court to be held 8o Septembr next.
Sub. poena Alicie Harrise, to testify indit caa. Ret Eod.
19 June
p. 65
Stone v.
Charles Maynard demandeth writt, agst Thomas Gerard Esqr in
an accon of the Case.
Summons to Mr Thomas Gerard, to be att the next Prouinciall
Court, to be held 8o Septembr
Subpan. Thomas Dinian, Robt Thomas, & Edward Turner to be
att the next Court, to testify in caa Supra Ret. Eod.
Maynard v.
Robt Cole demandeth writt for Willm Edwin & his Wife, to testify
their knowledge what they can say or know, whither or noe eyther of
them did heare Mr Beniamin Gill acknowledge tht Robt Cole, was
his kinsman, or whither tht they euer heard the sd Gill (lying sick
att their howse) declare, tht hee had, or would dispose of all or any
of his Estate to him, the sd Cole, in case he then should happen to
Subpoena to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to warne &c: ut
Supra Ret. next prouinciall Court, to be held 8o Septembr
Re Gill's
Mr Phillip Land sworne Cunstable of St Maries hundred as in the
Cunstables Oath Supra folio 56.
Summons issued to the Sheriffe of Charles County, on the
behalfe of Capt Thomas Cornewalleys, agst Mr Job Chandeler,
according to an Order passed last prouinciall Court 30th Aprill 1658,
Ret. next prouinciall Court to be held 8o Septembr
v. Chandler