Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 97
Mr John Anderton recordeth his marke Viz. Both eares upper
halfd, or cutt out; wth a nick under the right eare.
Capt Thomas Cornewalleys demandeth warrt agst Samuel Bonham
& John Lord in an accon of Debt.
Warr to the Sheriffe of Caluert County, & all other respective
Sheriffs, of each seuerall County to arrest &c: Ret next Prouinciall
Court to be held 8 Septembr
P. C. R.
Mr Jno.
mark, cattle
& hoggs
June 12o
v. Bonham
et al.
Attatchmt granted to Walter Hall, agst Henry Payton for 1200l
Tob, according to an Order last Prouinciall Court made & obteyned
30th Aprill, 1658, & Ret. 8o Septembr next
Hall v.
George Mee demandeth warrt agst Edmund Lindsey in an accon
of Debt to the ualew of 1600l Tob.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of Charles County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court to be held 8 Septembr next.
Mee v.
James Veitch demandeth warrt agst Willm Robinson in an accon
of the Case.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of Charles County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prouinciall Court ut supra.
Veitch v.
Robert Macklin recordeth his mark &c: Viz The Right eare
Crop't, & underkeel'd, wth a slitt in the Crop, The Left eare, whole
Robt Mack-
lin's mark,
cattle &c.
Aprill the 2d Ano dui 1655.
Know all men by these pents tht I James Johnson haue sold &
deliuered to Robert Macklin one Red Cow, marked wth my owne
proper marke, in consideraon of building me the aforesd James a
Howse, And doe by these pents bind my selfe, to make good the sale
of the sayd Cow, unto the aforesd Macklin or his Assignes, agst all
Just claimes whatsoeuer As wittnes my hand.
Testis John Wade James Johnson.
Zachary Wade.
Octobr 29th 1656
Sould & deliuered by me Robert Clarke, unto Robert Macklin One
black Cow aged Six yeares or thereabouts, commonly knowne by the
name of ffoole, Which sale & deliuery I doe & will auouch and
meinteyne agst all lawfull claimes. Wittnes my hand they day &
yeare aboue written.
Wittnes Signu John g Clarke Robt Clarke.
June 15th
p. 63